Water muffler

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Jun 4, 2004
Catalina 30 Toronto
If you can handle....

a fiberglass job... George, try to search the archives, there's plenty of information in there on this issue. I had the same problem when we bought our C30. A lot of people have repaired their muffler box. I opted to replace it with a Vetus watermuffler, which is much smaller in size and quieter (I feel). The added space in the engine compartment was use to install a dedicated starting battery. I must say I am extremely happy with the set-up. We've stopped being nervous about draining our house batteries. Peace of mind means more fun. Ghislain C30TRBS 1987 #4708 Emilie-Jolie
Feb 26, 2004
Catalina 34 224 Maple Bay, BC, Canada
Where is it leaking from?

sides, bottom, top inlet points? Help us help you. If it's the inlet and outlet "nozzles" this happens regularly and most of us have either reglassed or Marine Tex'ed the areas of failure where the hoses connect to the muffler.
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