Water (drain?) smell on Hunter 33

Jun 13, 2024
Hunter 33 Toronto
I recently purchased a 2008 Hunter 33. We've started noticing some smells (sulferish) around the galley sink. We initially thought it was an issue in the drain, and that may be part of it. Today i took samples from the hot/cold taps in the galley and head (all water cold because the hot water heater isn't on), and noticed a sulfer like smell from the water itself; strongest from the galley hot tap i think.

I was thinking a system flush/cleanse would be step 1 for solving the problem. A bit of research led me to this page: https://yachte.co/boats-water-smells-like-rotten-eggs-and-sulfur/ that talks about how to do a cleanse as well as a couple of other possible causes of the odour. Because the boat was sitting largely idle for several months while it was on the market, it's not all that surprising that things may have started to grow in its water system, especially as we started to encounter summer temperatures.

Not forgetting the drain factor, I've seen other posts here, including some from Headmistress Peggy Hall, that talk about how to deal with drain smells. And have also see that sometimes replacement of hoses may be required.

This is looking like a fairly straightforward cleaning challenge, assuming the system flush/cleanse solves the problem. But if anyone has gone through the process of cleaning their water systems and has advice on how to make sure the process goes smoothly and/or the effort is a success, please share your thoughts here.