warped furler

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Skip Nelson

I purchased (rescued) a 26S last summer. The furler's plastic luff is wrinkled from being draped over the boat over many highway miles etc. Can the furler be straightened? If I warm it with hot water, hair dryer etc. is it likely to loose the kinks?



It sounds like a CDI extruded luff. They staighten fairly well. Hot asphalt works --Lay it in the sun and then bend against the curve, gently at first. If the bend is slight, just rig your boat and it will straighten out. Warmth helps with the memory, heat gun, asphalt, blowdryer, warm water...Good luck and remember CDI has a great warranty. K



Skip: I have a CDI furler. After storing the boat for over a year while relocating to a distant state, my furler appeared permanently bent. After rigging the boat and tensioning the stays, the furler straightened right out. I think that warm weather helped. Rick s/v DevOcean

Curtiss Grant


My furler seems to always have some warp since I installed it new last year but does not seem to be a problem. As someone mentioned, the warps work themselves out but new ones reappear when you furl the jib and run in heavy wind with it partially furled. However, I stongly recommend when derigged on a trailer (traveling or still), provide support to the furler that extends past the pulpit. I use a 1X6 board, painted black, with a V notch in the end, and bunge cords for support when derigged. I strap the board to the mast and it extends past the pulpit to give excellent support to the furler. Good Luck.
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