Virtual Sailing Solves Winter Blues

Feb 12, 2007
Ericson 25 Oshkosh, WI
It has come that time of the year when most of us have tucked our boats away for the winter and are already craving to be out sailing again. A year ago I started to look around for ways to feed my sailing addiction and stumbled across the crazy world of virtual racing. I was very surprised at how many options that are out there. I found good ones and bad ones, long races and short races, you name it, you got it. I played Virtual Skipper and Live Skipper and Volvo Ocean Race Game and looked at sailing areas at Second Life and a few other foreign sites. They all had there pluses, but had big minus'. Then I found this one site called and sailed there. It was the finest virtual site I have come across out there. It provided the most accurate and true sailing expierences on the web. It might not be as shinny as others, but it's a real Ferrari of a sailing game. The game is completely free with no strings attached, you dont need to buy anything like upgrades to remain competive. I have no (0), zero interest associated with this site, just want others to enjoy something that I feel is a fun way to overcome the winter blues.
Jun 2, 2004
Hunter 37-cutter, '79 41 23' 30"N 82 33' 20"W--------Huron, OH
Withdrawal is settin' in.

Know exactly how you feel. I'll review your virtual site later. But I rode my bike past a couple of lakes today and started missing the boat. It was 65 degrees and is supposed to snow on the weekend. That will really be the final nail.
Feb 12, 2007
Ericson 25 Oshkosh, WI
Please come by Ed

Ed- If you get on and want some help, just ask or look for me (Bgosh) and we will be happy to assist all. It really makes you feel like your sailing.
Jan 22, 2008
Sundance Sundance 20 Weekender Ninette, Manitoba, Canada
Thanks for the fix people. Now I have a new addiction for the winter. I like the idea that you can plan a change in heading with future forecasts. So far, starting late and just three days in, I have move up in the pack each day. Looking forward to lots more racing online.
Feb 12, 2007
Ericson 25 Oshkosh, WI
Virtual Sailing

Roger- Glad you found it. It is a blast sailing down and around "the horn". Like I said this is the best sail site out there. Please hail me on chat I would love to meet you (Bgosh).
Mar 21, 2004
Hunter 356 Cobb Island, MD
this is neat

I'm javaboat back at 825 as I post this. Bgosh your running 29th. This is fun. Can't figure out why all those boats are way down south?
Feb 12, 2007
Ericson 25 Oshkosh, WI
Re: this is neat

Jim- Glad your having fun! The south boats are trying to stay in the heavy winds and some are abandoned by their skippers. I will try to catch you on line.
Jun 7, 2007
Pearson- 323- Mobile,Al
Actual sailing was not so great today. Last night sleeping on board was cold but OK with the wife as a bed warmer. Today the wind was good at first then died then was hit or miss. Finally we had about three hours of good sailing then the wind acted squirrelly again. The wife looked funny in several layers of clothing. But she stayed warm. Last night I found a good winter way to drink rum. Tablespoon of brown sugar. 1/4 cup rum 3/4 cup of hot water. Anyway actual sailing was better than not sailing.