Hi Jim. Welcome to the SBO Forum.
What is the best way to mount a vhf antenna
That question can stir a bit of a debate.
Generally, one tries to mount the antenna as high as possible to give you the longest range with the radio. This leads to putting the antenna at the top of the mast. Since you want to minimze the weigth aloft, the type of antenna comes into play. Most use a stacked coil with a wire whip of about 3 ft.
It can look something like this.

In this image the owner just taped the antenna to a pole. You can get a bracket that will mount on the side of your mast with screws. You will need to drill a couple of holes and tap the holes for machine screws. Pretty straight forward DIY project. Easy if the mast is near the ground. It can be a bit of a challenge if you try and climb the mast to do the work.