Very disturbing picture... don't look if your squeemish

Sep 20, 2006
Hunter 33 Georgian Bay, Ontario, Canada
Was up to check on the boat today..... tons of snow, there musta been 2 ft. on the docks.



Jun 15, 2004
Islander/Wayfairer 30 sail number 25 Perryville,Md.
Doesn't look like you had much blowing and drifting. Still have open water out on the lake.


Jun 15, 2004
Islander/Wayfairer 30 sail number 25 Perryville,Md.
When I was stationed at Dow AFB in Bangor we had about that much snow and one of the men was sent out to shovel a path to the road from the parachute shop. The wind was blowing about 30 and when he had gotten out to the road he looked back and his work was drifted full so he shoveled his way back in and told his sargent that he had shoveled the walk twice and if the sargent wanted it shoveled again he would have to get someone else.
Sep 26, 2008
-Hunter -356 -Amelia Island
Wow, i remember those days. However, I now live in Florida and was in the boat parade last night. I thought it was cold at 50 degrees F, but after thatpicture, I think I will go get some more suntan lotion

Stay warm

Sep 20, 2006
Hunter 33 Georgian Bay, Ontario, Canada
Bad part is we started getting snow late October, which is very unusual and epsecially that amount of snow this early in the season. Good part is ski slopes are open early. Other good thing is, like last year, the Great Lake levels should be on the increase with the record amounts of snow, rather than continuing to decline.
Sep 20, 2006
Hunter 33 Georgian Bay, Ontario, Canada
Ross, that's actually land in the distance. Our marina is down a narrow bay.

Penetang Bay

The snow has been so heavy and wet so far, that it doesn't drift but sticks to everything it hits. I saw a few people up shovelling off roofs already, which is also unusual.
Jun 7, 2007
Pearson- 323- Mobile,Al
What is all of that white stuff???? Where does it come from,industrial pollution??? Our white sand beaches look like that but the sand doesn't get like that on the docks... Does it feel yuky when you are sunbathing??? I am glad that it doesn't happen in Alabama.
Feb 17, 2006
Lancer 27PS MCB Camp Pendleton KF6BL
Scott's boat is the one with the snow on it. Long live SoCal! :D
Sep 20, 2006
Hunter 33 Georgian Bay, Ontario, Canada
Scott's boat is the one with the snow on it. Long live SoCal! :D
Actually, I was VERY surprised that mine had no snow on it :dance: Very embarrassing but this is my tarping job...... :eek: don't laugh too hard..... but this was our first year tarping and it was a learning experience. I expected to pull into the marina and see the tarp completely collapsed and the boat full of snow, given the amount of wet heavy snow we've had so far this year. Next year it will be tarped a little better, and hopefully much quicker.... took way too long this year.