Venture 2-24 Mast Support

Dec 16, 2019
Macgregor 24 V-2-24 Trailered
Good Morning,

About a year ago I bought a 1974 V-2-24. The owner had let a friend borrow his boat and the friend ended up dropping the mast during take down and it pulled the mast boot (plate that holds the mast to the top deck) out of the deck. I've fiberglassed the damage and wanted to know if anyone had suggestions on a method to put a support inside the cabin to provide a little help above. I've contemplated putting a piece of Walnut between the keel housing and the spot directly under the boot and possibly a cross bar fitted to the ceiling of the cabin. Any ideas would be welcome, and I'd like to see if anyone has seen this before. I appreciate ya'lls time.
Jan 19, 2010
Hobie 16 & Rhodes 22 Skeeter Charleston

Does your boat have a compression post inside the cabin? If so, you could cut 3/4" off of the top and insert that piece of walnut you were talking about. BTW the mast boot in your case is called a foot... similar anatomy:biggrin:. A mast boot is used on keel stepped masts and is something that slides down the mast and covers the hole in the cabin top so rain does not get in.
Jun 9, 2008
- -- -Bayfield
I am unclear as to what the problem is after you did your repair. The mast step, whether hinged or not, is not called a mast boot. If it is not hinged it can also be called a tabernacle. A mast boot is a flexible product that goes around the mast on a boat where the mast is keel stepped and it goes through a hole in the deck (called the partner) and steps atop the keel. You have a deck stepped mast arrangement. If there is no damage to the structure of the deck with this unfortunate incident, then your repair should be OK. If the deck is now compromised and has lost its strength, then maybe something else could be added, like a compression post or a cross member fiberglassed beneath the deck thwartwise (from side to side) that gives more support to the deck. But, my experience is when a mast is dropped, usually the mast step is pulled out of the deck, taking the fasteners with it and so that area needs to be re-glassed, but doesn't necessarily mean the deck structure has been compromised.


Jan 15, 2006
Macgregor 22 Silverton
On my McGregor 22 the support for the deck that the tabernacle is on is the bulkhead
(partition) just forward of the table. The actual compression post is just an Oak 2x2 at the end of the partition. It sits on the keel trunk in runs up to the ceiling. Welcome to sailing and Welcome to SBO.
BTW this can be as if learning a new language and how to drive at the same time
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