Doug: Excellent suggestion on the use of a preventer when sailing downwind. I'll never forget this situation which occured in a Redondo Beach to Long Beachrace a few years back. On the downwind leg, which is mostly what this race is, I was standing on the cockpit seat watching the goings on at the foredeck and also noticed that the skippers girl friend, who was driving, was starting to "sail by the lee". I gently moved the tiller with my foot and told her to watch the situation. For some unknown reason I then took a step backwards. The next thing I saw was the big, brown butt end of the boom flash by my eyes. I would have never known what hit me had I not stepped back. Another big mistake I had made was not wearing a inflatable life jacket. As soon as I got off the boat I went to West Marine and bought one. I don't care what the weather conditions are, the first thing I do when I board the boat is put on that jacket.Back to the question of preventer -here's the problem when you disconnect the soft vang and use it as a preventer. The vang is the only thing stopping the boom from rising while sailing downwind and making a mess of the sail shape. My suggestion is to install a Garhauer Rigid vang, which works twice as well as the soft vang. Then use the soft vang as a Cunningham. Rig up another system as a preventer.I've seen some mates use a bungee cord as a preventer. I know a skipper who almost lost an eye when the bungee cord snapped. Under no circumstance should anyone use a bungee cord as a preventer.