upgrades to a '83 Mac 25

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I bought a Mac 25 and I want to put a galley in it if possible. Does anyone make a unit with a sink/oven/cupboard? is it even practicle? I also wondered about the self rigging kits available. any easier than other, more dependable? Any websites of where to look for this info would be helpful also Thanks Brad

Thom Francola

Mac 25 Galley Upgrade

Dear Brad, My wife and I discovered the best the to do with the slide out galley, in our opinion, was to slide it overboard. We designed and built a galley for our Mac 25, "Luckfully", and installed it on the port settee. We think it improved our liveability onboard by about 200%. If your interested in how we did it, please contact my email with your mailing address and I would be happy to forward you a packet containing copies of my original drawings and some photos of the galley installed as well as our refreshed interior. Also, please read our owners rewiew on this site. Good luck, Thom


I would also like information - Thomas

Could you email me any information that you two have? Also anyone have a good website, or information on rigging my new boat. Not sure I have everything? Jeff
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