I own a Mac25 and I believe the bottom portion of the kick up rudder needs some work. I am attaching photos. The first photo shows the rudder from the top looking towards the bottom. It was at one time a nice shade of blue but most of the blue has come off showing the white color underneath (the upper portion of the rudder is white and in good shape). As you can see there is lots of wear around the pivot hole and the top where it sits against the other portion of the rudder has the worst wear overall. But, even with it open like it is, the rudder overall is very solid. No soft spongy spots that you might expect from water infiltration. Maybe its because how high up the problem is. The next photo shows the rudder from the bottom looking up. This part actually looks pretty good. The third photo is a close up of the surface showing the blue specks. Again, my thought is this is paint. My thinking is that I need to sand it down to get all the blue paint specks off. Then I need to do some fiberglass work on that top portion. I was thinking running some strips the length of the rudder with the sides wrapping up. It might need some more around the pivot hole also. The problem is, I've never worked with fiberglass before so I really needs some Fiberglass for Dummies level guidance.
As you might have noticed, I am having trouble attaching photos so any help here would also be very welcomed. Solved the photo problem.

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