u-tube question

Sep 21, 2005
Catalina 22 Henderson Bay, NY
In the past we have had dial-up service. We have just installed roadrunner and it's great. I have not been able to play any of the u-tube links that are posted here from time to time. What am I doing wrong? I know to most this will sound like a silly question, but I can not make it work HELP


Tim R.

May 27, 2004
Caliber 40 Long Range Cruiser Portland, Maine
First, this thread will likely get moved to the sails call lounge. Second, "doesn't work" means nothing to us. Do you get an error? If so and you are running windows, hold down the ctrl key and then hit the Print Scrn key. That will copy the message to your clipboard. Paste that into MS Paint and save it as a .jpg file. Upload it to here so we can see it.


Jun 15, 2004
Islander/Wayfairer 30 sail number 25 Perryville,Md.
Also please try to understand that there is a difference between a "U" tube and "You tube".
Oct 22, 2008
- Telstar 28 Buzzards Bay
Garbage IN ==> Garbage OUT.... It would really help if you gave the following information:

What web browser are you using?
What operating system are you using?
Are you using a firewall?
Do you have the latest version of Flash? Since Youtube and most of the other video services use Flash-encoded video.
Oct 10, 2006
Oday 222 Mt. Pleasant, SC
I had YouTube issues on my computer about a month ago. I had to remove and reinstall flash and it works fine now.
Nov 9, 2008
Com-Pac Yacht Com-Pac 16 Colorado
Tim R., Hey, just read your post, thanks, I learn something cool, and something I can use, BIG THANKS!
Sep 21, 2005
Catalina 22 Henderson Bay, NY
Thanks everyone for the imput. I seem to have solved the problem. I can now play the videos. Sorry not to have gotten back until know. A few personal things had to be taken care of. Thanks again to everyone
