Traveller quote

Mar 2, 2019
Oday 25 Milwaukee
After 40 plus years of reliable service the factory Schaefer traveller on our boat has finally worn out it's bearings.
Replacement bearings are not available .
Schaefer gave me fairly good quote . Problem is the mainsheet car that I've had is now longer offered .
I've reached out to Ronstan and asked for a quote .
Buying the pieces individually gets very expensive very quick . The Schaefer quote for the whole unit
is roughly 50% less than buying the pieces seperately .
We don't have a local sailboat dealer we trust here.


Mar 23, 2017
Belliure 41 Back in the Chesapeake
What kind of bearings are worn out? You may be able to buy them through a 3rd party supplier. But you need to know the specifics. Schafer never manufactured those bearings originally in all likelihood.

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Aug 24, 2005
Nassau 34 Olcott, NY
I'll echo the Garhauer recommendations. Had their traveler on two different boats and both worked great.
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Likes: Timm R Oday25
Jul 27, 2011
Bavaria 38E Alamitos Bay
My post was meant to find which brands or a reputable vendor ,I could do business with .
Take a look at Rutgerson, Swedish made. My boat, built in Europe, is equipped with Rutgerson blocks and their traveler/mainsheet system. I’d rate the equipment as medium+ to high quality, just based on my usage. Nothing has failed in 26 yr since installation. But others may differ in opinion.

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May 24, 2013
Catalina 30 MK III 6444 Marina Del Rey
Another vote for Garhauer. It's a small family business. They take their products seriously. Ask for Doug. They supply deck hardware for Catalina Yachts. So to preview their stuff look around the marina.
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Likes: Timm R Oday25
Sep 17, 2012
Morgan 383 Fairhaven, NY
Garhauer made a custom traveler to fit my curved bridge. Added compounding to the main sheet blocks. Transformed my 38' Morgan. Imagine being able to adjust a traveler with a fully loaded mainsheet! Sad to hear about Guido. Oh yeah, half the price of the "big names".