Traveler for MacGregor 21'?

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Hello all, I purchased a 68 MacGregor that has not been sailed since the early 80's. The person I bought it from knew nothing about it and was no help on what hardware was on it. I've had it out sailing a few times and cannot figure out what the proper setup for the mainsheet is. It does not have a traveler, but it has a double block running from the boom, a padeye and a single block located on the starboard stern corner and a pad eye and what can only be described as a swivel camcleat(?) on the port stern corner. Does anyone know the proper mainsheet setup and if I should replace it with a traveler? Any help is appreciated. Thanks, Scott P.S. It seems to heel quite a bit. Can anyone give me an idea on how far it will heel before rolling on its side or is that something you just have to do on your own?

Tom Jenike

tender until about 15 degrees

The 21 seems to be tender right up to about 15 degrees of heel then stiffens up. It used to freak me out when a gust hit, as the movement from 0 to 15 degrees is quite dramatic(as was my wifes look of panic). The whole main sheet arangement is a bear. If I were to race this boat I would endure the expense of a proper traveller. Where I would put the traveller? I have no idea.
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