Trailer or Trailer Specs for Capri 25 Needed

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6-23-2001 Hello All: Just stumbled across the web site. Great to find there are still Capri 25 owners alive and sailing in the world. We need some help. We have our Capri 25 with us in the islands and are in need of a trailer for the first time in 15 years. Who manufactures the trailer? If no one makes them any more, does anyone have the specs? New or used would be great. If we are unable to locate one and have it shipped in then we will need to make one from materials avalible on our little island. Guidance, words of wisdom, or answers would be greatly appreicated. Thanks in advance. Jeff Capri 25 West Indies

Gary Bordeaux


I own a Capri 25 with a trailer. The trailer we have is manufactured by Easy-Loader it is a roller trailer. I could take some measurments for you if you would like. If you are just wanting to ship the boat you may just want to make a cradle out of steel and put in a shipping crate or on a flatbed trailer. Gary Bordeaux


Catalina trailers

Most of the trailers that Catalina uses are built by Trail-Rite in Santa Ana, CA. They have a website: Champion Trailers (Florida?) is also a large manufacturer of custom trailers. They have a website, too.


Capri Trailer

Hello Erik and Gary: Thank you for your thoughts and suggestions. Still have been unable to locate a trailer to date even with both of your suggestions. Ran into a few roadblocks, eg. EZ no longer makes trailers for sailboats. It seems higher powers want me to keep her in the water and off terra firma. Can't argue with the logic but still need to pull her out for a little cosmetic work and maintance. Will keep trying to locate a commerically manufactured trailer. Hurrican season is warming up here in the islands and I estimate about six more weeks before we can expect our first big blow for the year. Will need to have her out of the water by then. Gary, thank you for the offer to take a few measurements from your trailer and email them to me. I would very much appreicate it. It looks like I will be building a trailer here on the island for use until we can locate a commerical one. A side note. I singlehanded her over from St. Thomas to Saba about six weeks ago. She handled beautifully in the open seas. Thanks again for your suggestions. I look forward to the measurements. Cheers from the islands, Jeff
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