Towing a Laser

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We have a Hunter H30T and my son just bought a '79 Laser... we want to tow it behind the big boat when we go on vacation... any suggestions? We've towed a sunflower before (snark) with the dagger board out, rudder down and the tiller tied amidship... towed well.... but it was a lot lighter and would not continue under it's own momentum when the big boat turned or stopped... somebody told me to pull a bucket behind the Laser, but that sounds like a lot of drag... thoughts?

Rick D

Jun 14, 2008
Hunter Legend 40.5 Shoreline Marina Long Beach CA
Try It

It may be fine. Suggest a strong cleat or D ring reinforced at the bow. Rick D.

Bill Murray

Long Painter

Don't add drag -- add stoppping room. Use a long painter - when underway adjust it so it rides just ahead of your wake to minimize drag. Don't forget to bring it up close when maneuvering in tight spots.



I have never tried this, but I read about it in a sailing rag. Buy a sturdy plastic funnel. Run your painter thru it with large end facing the Laser. Tie knots in the painter on both ends of the funnel so it is about 3 feet from the Laser. With the painter tight, the funnel stays out of the water. When the painter slacks, the funnel hits the water and inverts turning it into a mini sea anchor, thus keeping the Laser from ramming the Hunter. Might be worth a try. Don

Justin - O'day Owners' Web


I towed my Lazer behind my Daysailer a couple of times. Don't ask - wanted to sail in a place I had to motor to. I found rig out, rudder off, daggerboard in place to be the best way to do it. The tension on the painter is sufficiently forward of the board to make it track well but when I slowed the Daysailer the Lazer skewed and wouldn't hit me. For close quarters stuff the Lazer was tied along side. Justin - O'day Owners' Web
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