I got a 75' boom topping lift line cut from Chicago Marine to replace the existing line that was in bad shape. It's the correct distance, and this distance came from the manual page (attached). The issue is the line is too short to come through the mast hole where the existing line is run. This leads me to believe that the existing line is run incorrectly, but I can't find any diagrams of how to attach the boom topping lift to the mast and where to run it. P is 12.5m, and E is 4.45m for the furling setup. So the hypotenuse is about 43'. The existing line seems to be run through a spare halyard labeled port in the Seldon mast, which I assume is toward the top. The boom line spec is certainly less than 83', so I'm just confused. Any other 33-2 owners with some pics?
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