Top-Down Furler and sprit for Asymmetrical Spinnaker

Jan 22, 2008
Catalina 310 278 Lyndeborough NH
Does anyone have any experience using a Top-Down Furler and a bow sprit for Asymmetrical Spinnaker?

I have the Catalina Direct Ullman "Cruising" spinnaker on order and already received the ATN dousing sock. Originally I thought I would simply attach the tack somehow to the bow — at least for the first year. But the latest local PHRF regulations allow up to 12 inches of a sprit using the dousing sock. That got me to thinking...

I do participate in racing but it is practice for general sailing. So my emphasis may be a bit different from the hard-core racers.

Most of my sailing is either short-handed or single handed. Flying a regular spinnaker was out of the question. An asymmetrical with a dousing sock would be reasonable when I had at least one other person on board during races. So I made the asymmetrical purchase during Catalina Direct's Fall Sail Sale.

I started looking at bow sprits. The Selden aluminum 072-072-70 removable bow sprit kit and Selden GX7.5 furler kit appear to be a way to let me fly a spinnaker especially in lighter air when short- or even single-handed. I know there's a cost, but if I enjoy more in life (planning my rationalization)...

Remember I view my sailing as more cruising than racing, but do enjoy doing my best in the pursuits and beer cans!
I would be interested in others' experiences.
Jan 22, 2008
Catalina 310 278 Lyndeborough NH
The Trogear design has many great features:
• carbon frame
• hinged either deck or hull (making holes while on my trailer don't bother me!)
• folds out of the way very easily

Things that I don't like:
• fixed extension length (don't know what extension length is best — a good question to ask)
• folds out of the way, but not "easily" or quickly removable from what I can see
• more expensive than the Selden Bowsprit kit

Keep the comments coming!
Mar 11, 2014
here is a thread to an earlier discussion... viewtopic.php?f=7&t=243
My experience with the Topdown I installed is Its great if you are single handing but it does get in the way when going to weather as it interferes with the air flow plus it generally doesn't role up well. Too much camber in an Asym. The code zero is fine and you can leave it up...
Jan 22, 2008
Catalina 310 278 Lyndeborough NH
drewlamparello said:
here is a thread to an earlier discussion... viewtopic.php?f=7&t=243

My experience with the Topdown I installed is Its great if you are single handing but it does get in the way when going to weather as it interferes with the air flow plus it generally doesn't role up well. Too much camber in an Asym. The code zero is fine and you can leave it up...
I forgot about that thread! Last summer was a bit crazy and I didn't sail much. I remember the first photos but wasn't thinking about a spinnaker at all.

This does answer my question if using the Selden bowsprit and top-down furler might not be overkill for a Capri 22 — it's not! And it will work out well to let me short/single-hand as needed. If I have help on the tiller (I do have an Auto-Tiller), I will be able to take the furled sail down as necessary. I did wonder if the furled sail might interfere with the airflow going upwind.

Does anyone have experience enough to compare using the dousing sock vs. the top-down furler?
Looking for any pros and cons especially with a limited crew.
Mar 11, 2014
I used to have a Sock for my Asym on my Catalina 30. With all the different lines the sock has plus the fact that you have to do it from the deck IMO the fuller is much superior.
Jan 22, 2008
Catalina 310 278 Lyndeborough NH
drewlamparello said:
I used to have a Sock for my Asym on my Catalina 30. With all the different lines the sock has plus the fact that you have to do it from the deck IMO the fuller is much superior.
Another reason to continue to rationalize spending "a few more dollars" on my boat!

What is the difference between the various top-down furlers (other than price)?
Mar 11, 2014
Most of them don't get small enough for a Capri and also most don't give you the option of Top down or Bottom up. The Fancor does on both accounts... Plus you need to consider if used in the top down mode if you can adjust the tack line... after a lot or research I actually built the fitting that I used to make the Fancor work for the Asym (the photo shows that). Originally bought it for the code zero which is better as a bottom up as the Luff is captive vs the Luff of the Asym which is free flying and therefore needs to be fulled from the top down... If you go this route I have 45 Feet of the special No Torque luff line that is needed to drive the top down... Good luck... Best fun you'll have