Took out zephyr sail drive motor


Feb 20, 2023
Oday 28 Saginaw Bay
My problem now is where do I connect the negative battery cable. It was connected to the starter motor. 1980 ODay 28.
Jan 11, 2014
Sabre 362 113 Fair Haven, NY
We're going to need a little more information. Do you mean the motor is completely out of the boat? What did you replace it with?

It is very unusual for the DC negative to be connected to the starter motor. Typically the starter is case grounded meaning the DC- that is attached to the engine block serves as the DC- for the starter. The connection is made through the metal case of the starter.
Jan 11, 2014
Sabre 362 113 Fair Haven, NY
Since I have an engine with a ground I haven't delved very deeply into this issue. If you don't have an engine and don't have any AC on board there is no problem connecting all the DC- to a common bus bar. The problem arises with shore power and a path from the shore power to the DC system as might happen with an inverter/charger or just a charger. The DC- is connected to the engine block for 2 reasons, to serve the DC- for the starter and sometimes the alternator. It also provides an AC ground through the prop shaft to water.

If you intend to connect to shore power and AC devices on board, then this is where you want to get advice from an ABYC certified Marine Electrician.
Sep 24, 2018
O'Day 25 Chicago
It doesn't do any harm leaving it as is. If you prefer, you can remove the cable altogether. I have a saildrive and am familiar with the connection point
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