Throttle Wonder - ***Edson International***

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Mickey Goodman

I wrote previously about a problem with Throttle Vibration/Wondering at 3000 RPM reducing the RPM's to the low 2000 level which obviously reduces speed. I have a 88 Hunter Legend 37 with an Edson Pedestal in the boat. I called Edson and spoke with Ed Stiess, their Customer Service Manager, who recommended that I put a wire clamp on the throttle cable near the engine in order to put some resistance on the cable. I did this and it did eliminate the wondering but presented another problem where it increased the idle speed from 700 RPM's to over 1000 RPM's. I wrote a inquiry in HOW for any assistance. After I got a few responses I called Edson again asking for Ed who, I found out was on vacation. I was then transferred to Will Keene who gave me a few recommendations to try out. Since I was going to do work on the boat on Saturday Will gave me his home and cell phone telephone number and said he would be pissed at me if I had a problem and didn't call him at home on the weeked. I complemented him on his dedication to customer service thinking that he was just another customer service person. I found that Will owns Edson! When was the last time any of us had experienced the owner of a company be willing to interupt his weekend to help a customer personally. My hats off to Will Keene and Edson International!!!

Ned Young

Throttle Creep

I had a squeak in my Edson on my O'Day 28 and I "fixed it" with WD 40; however, I caused the same problem you had. If the 103 degree heat does not solve it in the next few days and I going to put some degreaser on the cable. Good Luck
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