Things growing on my prop

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Jack Laird

Every several weeks I must clean my prop. All kinds of shell fish seem to grow there. No where else do I have the problem, I know the prop and shaft were painted. Question, What can I do with the boat in the water to slow this down?

Henry Weber


I had the same problem here in S.FL. On one of the web sites I read that smearing axel grease on the surface of the prop helps. I can't keep antifoul paint on my prop let alone grease. It seemed rediculous to me; however, I tried it with waterproof trailer bearing grease. Havn''t had a problem since. It still makes no sense to me. regards, Henry

Ray keenan

Fouled prop

Also be careful about what you put on your wheel as some anti-fouling paints are extremely corrosive to some metals. Going under and cleaning is probably the best bet.

Dick Carey

Prop Antifoul

A experienced sailor friend of mine advised me that 'STP Gas Treatment' applied to bronze props works great as an antifoul treatment. Mine too was completely covered with barnacles at haul out last fall. I thoroughly cleaned off all the 'critters' and their 'footprints' and sanded the prop surface with a fine emory paper. I then coated it with 'STP Gas Treatment' fluid and rubbed it in. It is supossed to absorb into the metal and deter new attachment and growth. I'll know better when I check it out eather by diving down, or at next haul out. Dick
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