spring commissioning
Here in Ohio it's still winter, but that doesn't keep some of us from going to the boatyard to enjoy being the ONLY PERSON THERE, and to wander through the cradles, boat stands and trailers just...looking around. Of course, the significant other has the idea that we're down there doing SOMETHING. Otherwise, why would we leave our warm, cozy homes to tramp around in the snow and mud? Don't even try to explain it.Let's see, what was the topic? Oh, yeah, spring projects.With Peggy's help, I'm replacing all the hoses and vents in the waste disposal system. I now have an access port in the holding tank so that I can reach inside and install the new fittings. Have already installed a three-switch battery switch system as recommended in the WM catalog, bought a tank monitoring kit which I will install when it gets warm enough for the tape to stick,am installing a tabernacle on the cabin top to make stepping the mast easier (a million thanks to Al Guardino, a visitor to the ODO site for the pix and advice) and have installed two portlights,one to starboard above the galley area and one to port to provide cross ventilation. Also on the agenda, replacing some carpeting on the cabin sole. Oh, yeah, I plan on doing some sailing this Spring too. Let's get up and get at it!!!