tall rig vs. std.

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Stephen K

I have read previous questions regarding wing vs. fin keel. In my search for a MKII most are wing and I am ok with that because I don't intend to race. I sail on an inland lake and my question relates to the tall rig w/ bowsprit vs. the standard configuration. I like to sail and of course go as fast as possible...with moderate winds of inland sailing is the tall rig much more desirable? or should I just go the the best boat for the money regardless of configuration? If I find the right boat in the standard configuration could I be dissapointed given my sailing area? I have 2 boats under consideration and your opinions are welcome.


tall rig

when we started looking we wanted a wing, but saw so many dogs that we wound with the right boat, and she has a fin. very little difference, if any.

Jim C

Jun 18, 2004
Catalina 30 Tulsa, OK
Tall vs Standard

I've only owned my C30 for 2 years now but am very happy with it. Mine is a TR/BS with the wing. I do race and find that downwind I can beat a standard rig/fin keel but upwind (at least for now) I fall behind. Having sailed on both boats I think you'll be happy with either one. Just know that in true wind less than about 5 knots they don't like to move, 10-22 is much better. I'm glad for the wing because our lake has many shallows that I can sneak through. Good luck in your hunt. Jim
Sep 5, 2005
- - Sydney, Australia 1989 Cat 30 #5628
Tall rig preferable

If wind in your area is light to moderate, the tall rig is probably preferable, all things even. As mentioned in previous post: the Cat30 is a bit slow in light winds up to 7 or 8 knts true, so the more canvas the better. Even if you are not racing, it is still nice if you move at all....:) No need to worry about tall rig and really strong breezes: the boat handles very well and is easy to control.

Stephen K


thanks for the feedback... after looking at many C30's I am fortunate to have found 2 in very nice shape. A 1989 TR/BS and a 1992 STD rig (with walk thru!). The TR will probably sail better, but the walk thru for the family would be nice. The walk thru may also improve future resale potential?...but if it sails poorly...well you get the dilemma. The asking prices are reasonably equal given the features and age difference. Now, on to the survey for the 1989. If you have any input, please provide it asap.


Other considerations

I would not consider the size of the rig the key deciding factor. Catalina continued to upgrade the boat, eliminating problems that continued in the '89 year, such as the use of an ammeter instead of a voltmeter on the engine panel (indicates bad wiring and extra juice in the batteries to warm the glow plugs), the open transom, the type of wood in the cabin, ... I am sure you are considering all the factors


Hey Stephen....

Stephen. I think for Lake Lanier since tyou do not plan on racing either rig is fine. The tall rig has the bow sprit which can be an asset or not. The winged keel will allow you in more shallower coves then the deep keel model, so that would be my preference ( we have an '88 wing keel 30 Catalina on Lanier). No doubt the walk thru transom offers some greater advantages over the Mark II model transom ladder set up.. I would think their are many noteable changes between models. Both models your looking at are great sailors. For me, it was a given that the Catalina 30 was a great boat regardless of model year. Tough choice, but both models your looking at are excellent vessels. Good luck Bob Sunrise Cove Marina

Stephen K

thanks again

...more good points and I appreciate the input. I have decided to go with the newer std rig w/ wing keel. Overall the newer boat is in great shape and just has more features that justify the price difference. Ed,you are right, for one example the "guts" of electrical panel are much simpler/cleaner than the 1989 model...also the big item - walk thru stern (a real family pleaser). I know I will need a new jib as this one has been furled backwards for 14 years...sailcloth is ready to give out...any suggestions on a good cruising 135%?... Bob, please remind me what slip you are in at Sunrise Cove....Thanks again,now on to the survey.

Jim C

Jun 18, 2004
Catalina 30 Tulsa, OK
Walk thru a big plus

Stephen, I hadn't mentioned in my earlier post that my '93 is a MKII with the walk thru transom also. This was a major selling point for the Admiral. So much so, that we had looked at a '94 MKIII but I really like the cockpit of the MKII better. My friend with the '89 immediately commented on the walk thru as a major plus also. I offered to help him make his a walk thru, at least to the point of bringing my recip saw down to the marina :). Good luck and fair winds. Again I think you'll be happy either way. Jim


Great Choice

Stephen We are on "I" dock at Sunrise (left side near the end). We are the only Catalina 30 with a ton of blue sunbrella covering, even on the bow sprit. Who is doing your survey and where do you plan on docking? Go to the link via this site to the Catalina 30 International Association where you will see a bunch of sail suppliers. Check Ebay (Catalina Sailboats) occasionally as sails for the 30 come up often and are great buys. Also check the sail shop where the Snugharbor boat yard is. They feature North Sails and do a fantastic job of sail repair, which is what you should consider before dropping mucho $$$$ on a new 135 or 150. Good luck and congradulations on your choice. If you ever see us on our "Breezin II", give us a shout. Bob and Meryl '88

Stephen K.

I had to laugh

Bob, previous survey was April 2005 and my insurance company is ok with that. The boat is at Lake Kewowee SC and I'm not sure about getting one of the local Lanier guys to do it (would have to pay for the for the travel time both ways). I may have the boat pulled and "inspected" without a formal survey....any ideas or recommendations? That gets me to the slip...I called Janice at Sunrise to check on avalability and was suprised that they are not taking on new boats at this time... this is due to the low lake level and having to move other customers. What luck...however, Aqualand does have some slips so I can go there for now and consider moving later.


Hey Stephen

S. I was surprised Janice had nothing at Sunrise for you. The new dock "J" looks like it has room in plenty of deep water. Across from us on "I" dock they sold an older Pearson Invicta (Snugharbor brokerage) and it should be heading down to Alabama soon. Sunrise has it over Aqualand by a mile, but at least you will have a dock in the interim. I would not think Lanier is getting lower with all this rain lately. As far as the survey, I personnally would dive on the boat to check the bottom for blisters, keel and rudder condition. Are you a scuba diver? If not, their must be some locals who know what to look for and blisters can be an issue, especially since they are more prevalent in fresh water. Catalina's are no less prone to osmotic blistering then any other production boat out there. Even barrier coats can be applied wrong and may not be effective. I am sure your on top of everything regarding the boat history, last haul and paint, etc. But, if you have the option in SC to haul and inspect, the few hundred bucks would be worth it and blister or bottom repair costs can be negotiated before transporting to Lanier. If their is no real damage or just moderate blistering, you can do the work in the Aqualand do-it-yourself yard when they bring the boat in. Its probably a great time anyways to wax the hull, fix any problems (cutlass bearing, add a zinc to the shaft, check rudder play, keel health, thru hull fittings, change spreader boots, replace light bulbs, add a wind indicator, lubricate shieves, inspect the standing rigging while the mast is down, etc, etc) and paint the bottom. The yards a fun experience and their are plenty of folks who can help or provide assistance. Let me know if you need any names. I have heard of a guy who is the "blister master" who will repair for a buck a blister!! I repaired over 600 on my last boat (Hunter 25.5) so I can get you going in the right direction if you want to fix them yourself. Lets hope the bottom is clean and all issues minimal. Good luck and congradulations. Bob Lake Lanier

Stephen K

Hi Bob

I've seen the new "J" dock and its a beauty...even though its mostly empty, thats where they are gong to relocate boats too from the low water condition...I was allready at Sunrise with my previous boat and will call Janice again before this boat arrives. All of your points on the inspection are valid and will be looked at and serviced before splashing at Lanier. I'm going to take a look at the bottom this weekend. Lake Kewowee is pretty clear and if the boat does not have a lot of alagae, then hopefully I can get a good preview. I do have the chance to kill the deal (or negotiate) when it is pulled out on moving day...hopefully that will not be needed. Thanks for the offer of service people at Lanier...I have a couple favorites, but would like to talk, so send me your contact information and phone number to sakruse@bellsouth.net and I'll give you a call. Thanks!
May 23, 2004
I'm in the market as were . Colonial Beach
One thought that hasn't been said!

One nice thing on the Tall Rig bow sprit is the ancor arrangement. With the bow sprit you have a nice ancor roller set up and you can store the ancor on-deck. I have a 1990 Catalina 30 TR BS. I like the arrangements on the boat. The cut through transom is nice and that began in 1991 (I saw 2 Catalina 30 MK II in 1991 with this) but you do loose some storage area. It also moves the propane locker from the rear to the lazzerette. You do end up sacrificing room because of that. I was told that Catalina went to a new type of resin in 1988, late, and it is supposed to be better as far as blisters.
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