Symmetrical Spinnaker flying with less crew

Feb 19, 2023
Dufour Dufour 34 Clipper Yacht Harbor
Hi All,

Hope your day is going well.
I have a boat.
I have a Symmetrical spinnaker.
I have a spinnaker pole.
I have a jockey pole.

For lines I have a
Halyard to raise the Spinnaker.
A Spinnaker Pole Downhaul
A Spinnaker Pole uphaul.
A Spinnaker Sheet line
A Spinnaker Guy line.
The last two are the same but I understand the name changes depending on the tack you are on.

My goal is to not add another set of lines.
It is not the money, it is just the crew.
Crew these days are hard to find and are not keen on putting the time in training.

So can I gybe safely with the setup in the image attached.
When I want to gybe,
1. I pull the main sheet in to center.
2. I turn from a broad reach to more of a run
3. This releases pressure on the jockey pole, I remove it from one side and place it on "ready".
4. I detach jockey pole and remove it from the guy to the sheet in prep.
4. I gybe
4. I attach the pole back to the mast.
5. I deal with the main sheet.
6. I now attach the jockey pole to the guy on the "new" guy line.
7. I sail to victory and the loud chants of the crowd!!!

I apologize for advance for the weak explanation.
I have only spinnaker sailed 3 times and the instructors can't seem to keep their explanations coherent so we never gybe.
I'd join a race team but I don't feel like being ballast for 2 years and waxing on and off, I have two kids so don't have the time.
