swing keel doesn't

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Daniel Boyd

This was my fourth outing on my '96 26X, my first boat. I released the centerboard lift line from the cleat, but it didn't pull away, the centerboard apparently was stuck. Playing with the lift line, I ended up with the lifting cable eye up on deck, the eye still intact. I guess I need to reattach it to the centerboard somehow. Any helpful hints? The boat is currently moored, but I can pull it out on the trailer. Thanks.


Personal Experience

I had the same problem with my 96 several years ago (centerboard actually cut cable) a) when putting boat on trailer, be careful not to pull it up too far or the centerboard may drop and become wedged on the trailer (been there, done that... have to refloat it). b) the boat has to be raised somewhat so that the centerboard can be lowered. I raised mine about 1 ft. Connect the cable, lower the boat, put it in the water, and sail away.


Same problem on my 26S

I have a similar problem on my 26S wxcept that my lift cable has detached itself & the keel cannot be raised. Does anyone out there know how the cable is attached to the keel and/or offer any advice onhow to repair it. The cable is intact with a bolt threaded thought the cable eye. There is a hole about 1 1/2" diameter though the keel where I assume the cable used to be attached - but how it attaches is a mystery to me. I have no option but to conduct this repair using snorkel and mask - no means to lift the boat and can't drop the keel when the boat is on the trailer. Help! I'm heading for the Great Lakes North Channel in a week - hope. David


I did this repair a year ago...

This is an all too common problem with the macs. The cable eye goes through a hole in the top of the centerboard, and the bolt goes through a hole in the side of the board and the cable eye. Given that the cable came up with the bolt attached, your centerbord is broken. I have the factory diagrams which I can fax to you tomorrow, or you can call the factory directly at 949 642 6830 and they will send you a copy. Thanks, Joe
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