Swine Flu!!!

Sep 6, 2007
Catalina 320 Gulfport, Fl
This isn't the proper forum for this, but hang in there with me for a moment.

I am sick and tired of the national press scaring the hell out of every one about the swine flu. I am an Emergency Room R.N. and have some advice for you. First off the Swine Flu is just another flu.

Unless you have a condition which has caused your immune system to be compromised eg: HIV, AIDS, COPD, and diseases which require the constant use of steroids, most of you know who you are, when you think you have the flu see your doctor. For the rest of us, if you think you have the flu STAY HOME.

If you come to the ER we will swab your nose. If you have the flu we will tell you so, and then we will send you home with with no antibiotics, and the following advise....

Rest, Drink plenty of fluids, as an adult you can take up to 4 Ibuprofen tablets, or 800 mg, every 8 hours, (most people take 2 or 3 tablets) take them with food, they are rough on your stomach. You can take 2 extra strength Tylenol tablets or 1000 mg every 8 hours. Take the Ibuprofen, 4 hours later take the Tylenol, 4 hours later take the Tylenol again and keep repeating. Rest in bed with plenty of liquids. Please cover your mouth when you cough or sneeze. You don't want to give this to any one else.

Check the over the counter cold tablets you are taking such as 12 hour contact, NyQuil and Dayquil. They have Acetaminophen, or Tylenol in them. Do not take too much Tylenol as it can harm your liver!!!

To keep from getting the flu. Wash you hands, wash your hands, wash your hands. Do not touch any part of your face with out first washing your hands. Do not eat with out washing your hands. Keep some of that alcohol based hand cleaner in your car. If you go out to eat at a fast food drive thru, before eating use the alcohol hand disinfectant.

The swine flu is just a flu. ALL FLU KILLS, It may make you wish you were dead, but normally only kills those with other medical problems when they catch the flu. Small children and the elderly are at the highest risk.

If your fever goes above 104 and the Tylenol and Ibuprofen won't bring it down see your doctor or go to a clinic or the ER. For the most part expect to be sick for a week. Can you use Tami flu? Yes for those with compromised immune systems it will help, but for most people with Tami flu you will feel better in about a week, with out Tami flu....you will feel better in about a week.

For those of you with children read the package labels for children;s Tylenol and Ibuprofen use the maximum dose for your child's age and weight. give them plenty of fluids, and yes if you are really scared about your kids see your pediatrician or come to the ER or go to an after hours clinic, Just understand if it is the flu you will receive our sympathy, but you not receive an antibiotic, they do not work on viruses.

We have seen between 20 and 40 cases of the flu each weekend for the past 4 weeks. None of us have contracted the flu because of follow the above techniques.

Stay healthy and happy sailing
Jan 22, 2008
Cherubini 37c HULL#37 Alameda
Well... even if its not the right forum, That's the best advise Ive heard about the bacon flu yet. Thanks for the info. I wonder how many billions of $$$ the drug manufacturer stands to make with all the people in the world thinking they will die w/o the shot. Those in the media responsible for the spread of the lies should be forced to eat their own words and syphon marine holding tanks with their pie holes . And its just one more good reason to throw the TV overboard.
Sep 20, 2006
Hunter 33 Georgian Bay, Ontario, Canada
I moved this post from the Ask All Sailors, where it was originally posted, to the Sails Call Lounge. IMHO, great information and nothing wrong with posting this info in Off Topic.
Sep 25, 2008
C30 Event Horizon Port Aransas
Thanks for the info. But I am still not coming out of my Y2k/market crash/swine ful/boogieman bunker until there isn't one case left int he northern hemisphere.

hunter 28.5 guy


What about pork? Can we still eat pork? I don't want to get the flu.

Thanks for the information. It just reenforces what I have been telling my co-workers:

eat healthy
get plenty of rest
wash your hands
Sep 20, 2006
Hunter 33 Georgian Bay, Ontario, Canada
What about pork? Can we still eat pork? I don't want to get the flu.

Thanks for the information. It just reenforces what I have been telling my co-workers:

eat healthy
get plenty of rest
wash your hands
You can't get the flu from eating pork. That's why they changed the name up here to H1N1 flu to stop the bad connection.
Jan 22, 2008
Cherubini 37c HULL#37 Alameda
Well, We've experienced the bacon flu first hand with our eleven year old son. He was really sick for 6 days, Liquid squirting out both ends, fever of 102 followed by shivering cold with blue fingers day after day. We went to the DR and she prescribed Tamiflu but we didn't give it to him after doing some research on the side effects of that which are diarrhea and nausea. Like he hadn't had enough of that already, He's been better for about 4 days now and we have managed to keep from getting sick ourselves by using alot of Lysol spray and dosing ourselves with lots of vitamins. Spray everything and spray often.
May 19, 2004
Rawson 30' Ketch Oklahoma for now
Patrick is right!!

I also am an RN working in ER. We have been thinking of posting a sign that says, "If you didn't have the flu when you got here, you do now!" In less you are in one of the high risk groups stay home. We can't do anything for you that you can't do yourself. Our waiting times have gone up from 15-30 minutes to 8 hours or more. All because of the panic the news media has created! The really sick people are suffering because anyone with the sniffles thinks they are going to die. Yes people are dying but people die of the flu every year. And it is the same groups, the very young, the very old, and those whose health is already compromised by something else. Lets all just go cruising until this blows over.:D