Super Disko 45 (Really)

Feb 18, 2011
Catalina 42 42 Windsor
Anyone know anything about a steel hull 45 footer called a 'Super Disko 45'. There is one foe sale near me and I can't find much on a Google search. Is it a home build? French? Help?:confused:
Feb 18, 2011
Catalina 42 42 Windsor
I saw that

I saw that but they don't tell you much about the origin of it. Homemade, French..what, I don't know???
Oct 20, 2011
Montgomery17 , Caroff Super Disko 45 17,45 Palm Harbor
Hello, I saw you pointed to my blog so I thought I might help.
The Super Disko was designed by Gilbert Caroff, a pretty famous French designer, now retired. Modeles

It is the longer version of a popular model he designed called Ile Disko (which is an Island on the western side of Groenland). The super Disko was the extended version. They were mostly home built, a few of them by the same guy in Quebec in the 90s. They are slow boats, rather heavy but built like tanks, very spacious and if you're lucky like I was, very well finished and thought out inside. Some were keelboats and some centerboards.
If you need more info, email me through my website
Regards and best of luck,
JF Bedard