I was thinking in the next few years of getting me a Hunter 38. I have been saving to get something to retire as early as possible on haha! I am handy enough to do most if not all repairs besides the stuff that requires cranes ect. If I bought a boat I am sure I would want to work on it for a season before I took it out. The cost of buying a boat and paying to store it at a remote location may not be worth it because of the time I would have to work on it. I was wondering if it would be a silly idea to just pay to have it delivered to my house and work on it here since I have plenty of space. The thing that I am pondering though is if I can find a company to bring it to me how would they get it off the trailer and onto stands. That being said what stands?! Anyone tried something like this? Please forgive my ignorance I have been around boats my whole life and have a small sailboat and a