Stearing under power

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Dave Daniels

We just bought a used 26X and can't maintain a straight course under low power. Conditions are ballast full, rudders and center board up and no sails raised. We're motoring down the South River to get to a point to hoist the sails. Our track looks like the historic drunken sailor. Any ideas? Thanks


Steering under low power

At slow speeds, under low engine power, you'll need to lower a rudder and a few inches of center board to maintain control. Just don't forget to clean her up if you decide to motor faster than a crawl.

Kevin Barry


You should be able to maintain a fairly good course with just the engine...assuming you have a high hp job (50?), unless the currents are strong. But as Bill says, use a rudder and a let out a couple inches of centerboard, and you should be able to dance around with no prob! Kevin

Ron Tanis

steering under power in shoal water

Where water depth permits by all means do your under 6 mph motoring with at least one rudder full down and cb line let out a few inches at least. For less water depth (3 feet near my slip, about 2 feet in it), I piggybacked a 2 foot draw, homemade, shoal rudder on the pivot axis of one of the stock rudders by substituting a longer pivot bolt.Down the stock rudder in deeper water and the shoal rudder in thin water, for good steering control wherever you can motor.
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