Spinnaker Question

Oct 20, 2021
C&C 34 Everett
Hello All -

I am hoping someone can help me with my Spinnaker. The way the sail is labeled it would seem to be an asymmetrical spinnaker as one attachment point is label clew and the other tack. However when I unfurled the sail it sure appears to be a symmetrical spinnaker. Additionally I attached the tack to what I assume is an old hank-on headsail shackle but I did not like how the tack interacted with my pulpit.

Thanks for any insight!!!

Jan 7, 2011
Oday 322 East Chicago, IN
I don’t know for sure if is an A-spin or not, but I would move the tack in front of the pulpit.

I run a line outside of the pulpit, down to the anchor roller, and use that as the tack.


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SBO Weather and Forecasting Forum Jim & John
Oct 22, 2014
CAL 35 Cruiser #21 moored EVERETT WA
For an Asymmetrical sail, rather than attaching the tack to the bow, attach the tack to a “tack sheet”. Run the sheet through a block that you secure to the bow. I use a soft shackle to attach the block. Run your sheet through the block and back to the cockpit. Secure the sheet.

Depending on your wind angle if close to the wind (for me it is about 80degrees others 110) draw the tack in tight. As you head down wind let the tack out. It will rise out in front of the boat looking more like a balloon (think symmetrical sail). You adjust the sail using the tack sheet and the clew sheet to optimize your sail and boat speed.

Asymmetrical’s are cut differently. But it is clear that the tack to head - luff - is not the same as the head to clew - leach.
Feb 20, 2011
Island Packet 35 Tucson, AZ/San Carlos, MX
Exactly, an adjustable tack line.
Maybe use some parrel beads around the furled headsail to keep the tack close.


Jun 1, 2004
Catalina 27 Mission Bay, San Diego
If the two edges from the Head (top) are the same length it's a symmetrical or racing spinnaker. If the one marked tack is longer than the one marked clew its an asym. Sounds like you don't have a pole, so the previous owner may have tried to set it up as an asym anyway, but who knows? In any case, the way you have it rigged is incorrect, because you need a "tack line" exactly for the reason it confuses you. You can make a simple,. non adjustable tack line by tying a length of rope long enough to clear the pulpit to the tack and a secure point on the stem. You can also rig an adjustable tackline with a shackle to connect the line to the sail and a block on the stem to run the line back to a bow cleat, or even back to the cockpit if you desire. Be aware that the tack line can experience a substantial upward load, so have a plan for adjusting it... either when the load is minimal or with a winch or purchase system.
Oct 20, 2021
C&C 34 Everett
Thanks for the insight everyone!

I will look into something to get the tack sorted, I like the idea of running a sheet back to the cockpit, but the Spinnaker bag only had one sheet in it.

I do have a Spinnaker pole but thought I would only use that for a symmetrical spinnaker?

The good news is that it unfurled nicely! The sock is great! Now to tweak the set up and measure the luff and leach.
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SBO Weather and Forecasting Forum Jim & John
Oct 22, 2014
CAL 35 Cruiser #21 moored EVERETT WA
:plus: What Mark said. Not more than 2 minutes bow time. End of arm to mid chest. About 1 meter.