Spinnaker Pole Downhaul Rigging Question

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Nov 19, 2008
Boatless Boatless Annapolis
I have yet to figure how to correctly rig the downhaul for my spinnaker pole.

On the foredeck between the mast and the bow are two fairleads opposite of each other. In the cockpit there are two cam stoppers. I figure we have to run a continuous sheet from one stopper up to a block (on the foredeck) attached to one fairleads up to another block attached to the spinnaker pole then back down to the other fairlead/block and then returning to the other stopper in the cockpit.

Any assistance with this would be appreciated.



Jun 2, 2004
Hunter 35.5 LI, NY
You figure right. I would add a block w/snap shackle for the pole connection in place of a permanent block connection. This setup allows adjustment from either side.

As an alternative you could move the double fairleads back to the foot of the mast. The advantage of this arrangement means the downhaul does not need adjustment every time the guy is trimmed. A forward mounted purchase for the downhaul must always be eased before the guy can be trimmed.
Sep 25, 2008
Oday 25 Gibraltar
Mounting the fairleads is a compromise. Too far forward as, Alan said, and you have to adjust them every time you trim the guy. But in light air the outboard end of the pole sometimes needs a little help to move forward and this can be provided by the fairleads being mounted more forward.

Dec 4, 2008
Other people's boats - Milford, CT
Sounds about right Ducati.

Try this page from Harken, it shows a good system. You will have to adjust the foreguy every time that you trim the pole forward or aft. On a Bene 36.7, I would think that you could not lead the foreguy/downwall to the base of the mast. That is a small boat system and the loads are too high on your boat.

Nov 28, 2009
Catalina 30 St. Croix
On the Ben. 36.7/40.7 the fairleads on the deck are not quite directly straight down from the end of the pole. The anchor locker would not open otherwise. You have received good guidance. There should be a snap shackle block to connect to the pole. Just finished the Chicago - Mac on a 40.7 and have raced on 36.7. Yes you must always release the foreguy when bringing the pole back. It really is a one person operation, same when easing the pole forward.
The fact that the foreguy goes slightly aft on deck creates a large load on the mast. we were close reaching with a asym. and the setup does not allow for the pole outboard end to be lowered to the best position. We added a secondary downhaul to do just hat.
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