Specs and plans on Beneteau's

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William Fraser

I just bought a 1988 Beneteau 432 and had it transported to Corpus Christi from Fort Lauderdale. I have no plans or spec sheets and am having to map out and learn the interior systems,through hulls,plumbing manifolds, etc by guess and by golly. Does anyone know who to contact about getting a set of plans showing the original plumbing,electrical, propane and drivetrain layouts for reference. Thanks! Bill Fraser

Brian Pickton

Contact Beneteau and a Beneteau owner

Nov.4,2000 Dear Bill, You can start by contacting Beneteau at : < www.Beneteauusa.com/> (note theare two letters "u" in the address) and they will send you a brochure and the basic spec and equipment list for the boat. Your going to find though that this is just the tip of the iceberg and for real familiarity your going to have to do the hard work of tracing things out yourself, because there is no telling how things may have been altered from the original. Of course you would want to lift the floor boards and look into all of the lockers anyway just to locate what was where. Unfortunately the detailed type of plans that we owners would like to have fall into the category of blueprints and I don't know of a builder that provides those except in the case of a custom built one off where the designer provides them and the owner pays for them. Needless to say Beneteau would regard its plans as a proprietary property and I would be surprised if they would give them out - it would save an unscroupulous builder alot of work to get that kind of detailed drawing. On our boat a new wiring job came with a schematic, but I still had to trace the lines to figure out where they were run. With respect to the engine the best bet is to go to an engine supplier and buy the shop manual for the model engine and transmission you have. As for the plumbing well, ahem, it's a tough dirty job but somebody's got to do it. On our F456 the main salt water plumbing through hull is located near the centerline of the boat abaft the mast about 4 feet and to starboard. A series of fitting act as a manifold to the various heads for raw water supply. Our holding tanks had been removed so we replaced and replumbed these ourselves, so I can't help you with respect to that issue on your boat. Lastly you can try telephoning Beneteau USA customer service in Charleston S.C. at 843-423-6459 or fax: 834-423-5516 Personally I think your best bet is to get another Beneteau owner to walk through the boat with you. I have always found them to be pleased with their own boats and happy to help a fellow owner, so look around your dock and see who you can find. I hope this helps you find what you need on the climb up the learning curve on your new boat. Brian Pickton@BeneteauOwners.net, Aboard The Legend, Rodney Bay, St.Lucia

William Fraser

Thanks Brian Pickton

Brian Pickton, Brian I appreciate the response regarding blueprints and specifications for my 432 Caribbean Soul(yeah I'm a parrothead). I've spent the last week in the yard with all of the cabin sole pulled up so that I could trace the systems around and have made good progress. I'll try contacting beneteauusa as you suggested. Hope you are enjoying your boat as well. Regards, Bill Fraser Corpus Christi, Texas

Brian Pickton

Hey Parrothead

Nov. 4, 2000 Dear Bill, Hey, fellow Parrothead your welcome! Hope to see you down here in the Islands some day , changing those lattitudes and attitudes. In the meantime I'll have a rum punch for you, and good luck. Brian Brian Pickton@BeneteauOwners.net


Specs and plans on Beneteau's:

What you want sounds like and "Owners Manual" which hhas general layout and schematic diagrams for electrical and rigging etc. Try Ward Richardson at Beneteau Customer Service ward.richardson@beneteauusa.com the Beneteau Archives at Sailnet.com http://www.sailnet.com The Beneteau Owners Site http://www.beneteau-owners.com/ and the Beneteau List at Sailnet.com
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