sock and tacker

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Cameron Root

I have a sock and tacker on order. any comments on these devices?

Cameron Root

Timm Miller

where do tie up the sock lines life line area? also do you use a snap chackle snatch block if so where do hook it up? thanxs in advance

Timm Miller


Not follwing the first part but I put a snatch block on the forward horn cleat...the sock halyards I just put on the jib halyard cleat on the mast.

Cameron Root


got my stuff it works good. As for the huh I was talking about atn recomendation of a snatch for dowsing. after playing with the sock I found standing on the v-berth thru the hatch a good place for operating the sock. After tacking the spin I wasn't long figuring out as where to put the line and yes the mast cleat worked ok thank you. On a clam day I thru it down the companion way as to keep pulling up the falling sock.

Timm Miller

One more time

"a snatch for dowsing"....not sure what that means.....but hey, as long as you're having fun!
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