So what if?

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So here I am, streaking So. on my beautiful Seneca Lake with the sheets tight, and I get a gush that blows me over because I'm just the new guy about to learn a lesson. I'm going to be thrown where? Will I have enough balast to come back upright with wet sails and a boat full of water? Or will I turtle with my mast 10' in the mud and have to be (blank) rescued again?


Turn IN To The Wind !

As you feel that gust pulling you over........ Steer HARD in to the wind to take the power out of the sails. You will right and come to a standstill. Keep pointed in to the wind and reef your main. Now clean your shorts ! If you kept your cabin door shut the boat will right itself. A boat full of water will sink without full floatation. Now you will ALWAYS wear your PFD ! happy sailing

Mike F

Sail with one hand on the Main sheet

Sail with one hand on the Main sheet like the rest of us :) First off I'm assuming your post was hypothetical and didn't actually happen. Your mac 25 would have turned into the wind and automatically did what Dan posted just based on the nature of the sailing characteristics of your boat. As the gust comes you boat is naturally going to turn up into the wind, you would need to push the rudder into the direction of the wind to counter act the weather helm you will be getting, as you do this you will heel more and more and begin slowing down because of the poor shape of your now heeling craft. It would take something like a freak micro burst to actually knock you over so quickly. Sail with one hand on the main sheet, as the gust hits you, you let out the main sail and this allows you to ride out the gust, as it passes you pull in the main and return to where you were before.


yes it was hypothetical

I am sailing this boat in my mind, like I sailed my little 10' boat that I had. I knew reactions and handling would be defferent, but I don't yet know how. Twice my little boat blew over this way and kept right on going as the wind pushed the boat, and the mast into the mud. Twice I had to be recued. The idea of a large beach ball in a mesh bag tied onto the top of the mast was the only thing that saved my sailing life, as I swore if I had to be rescued again my sailing days would be over. It was so nice after that, as all I had to do is start to go out that dagger board, and back up she would come, ready or not. The secret there was to always be able to lose the sheets in a second's notice, but as I rig it in my mind, this boat will not be as simple to do that. But maybe it will. This is my first real boat, and I warned everyone about my dumb questions. I want you all to know I appreciate your responses very much. 18 days and counting until my main sail should arrive, and I will be ready. I was at my father's Fighter Group reunion last week and we were talking about some of the toys we had. When I mentioned my MacGregor 25 this old boy's eyes lit right up as he said "now that is something you will really enjoy. Really have a lot of fun." He mentioned that boat every time I saw him for the rest of the week. If anyone is interrested in WWII, you can visit my father's memorial site by clicking the related link below.


Glad to hear it.

Woody, I understand your feelings, before I bought my 26d the biggest thing I had sailed was a hobbie cat! Take it one step at a time and I'm sure you will be having a ball in no time at all. Take it out in small winds the first time if you can so you can get used to your boat. If you take her out in 25 knot winds the first time you may never go out again.


No Worries

Woody: If you have sailed a 10 footer, you should have no trouble on a 25! Things will happen much slower on the 25 foot boat. Just ease off the mainsheet, and keep on sailin'. Rick s/v DevOcean PS What will you name your boat?


"Franks Dream Too"

It is my understanding, that the man that had this boat had the same dream I had. To sail these beautiful lakes and cruse these beautiful canalways. The story goes that 2 days before he launched her, he died. The boat sat for a couple of years, then everything was thrown in a pile on top of the boat and a for sale sign put on it where it sat for another year. I got it affordable and feel that because he had his dream, I now have my dream. Close calls: What About Bob? What About Me? All About Me. And I promised "Annie" one;) but Frank is riding with me on this one. He had us set up real well.
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