• Sailing is all about the Weather.

    Big into the exploration of Atlantic Hurricanes since Katrina came uninvited into his world, James (Jim) Gurley (JamesG161) has followed every Tropical Storm birthed in Atlantic, Gulf and Caribbean waters since. Being a boater, he knows that we often need more time to prepare than we get from the TV weather folk. Jim relies on the science of storm development to share early warning info with friends and fellow boaters.

    Early in 2018, Jim and John Shepard, (JSSailem) started to chat about the weather data available. John asked Jim to help forecast Pacific NW storms, and this morphed into discussions on weather forecasting.

    For John, sailing in the PNW is sometimes hit and miss. One day is ugly, then a string of beautiful days but no wind, followed by a series of blue-sky days and 12 knot breezes. Being ready for those great sailing days means you need to look to the Pacific Ocean and what is brewing. John has been into Pacific NW Weather since the 1970’s when his first PNW November storm hit bringing more than 40 days and 40 nights of continual rain.

    Together we want to share information, new APPs, safety, and thoughts about letting the weather help you. Identify some of the resources for sailors and help prepare you for your next sailboat outing.

    It is far better to go out on the water knowing what to expect in weather terms, than to be out on the water and see dark ominous clouds suddenly appear, unprepared.

Snow Fall this Winter


SBO Weather and Forecasting Forum Jim & John
Feb 14, 2014
Hunter 430 Waveland, MS
This season, 62 percent of the United States experienced below average snowfall, while above average snowfall covered the other 38 percent.


Where were you?

Nov 6, 2006
Hunter 34 Mandeville Louisiana
I was in Baton Rouge.. roads were closed.. dock neighbor sent a picture of the boat.. considerably above average!!


Jan 22, 2008
Tartan 37 287 Pensacola, FL
Snow? Oh, yeah. That's the stuff that shuts down Texas when it falls from the sky. Even tho it melts on contact. We got a dusting this year. We didn't leave the house during the event because these people have trouble driving in sunshine. The boat lives in Pcola and got 20 times the amount we did at the Texas house.
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SBO Weather and Forecasting Forum Jim & John
Oct 22, 2014
CAL 35 Cruiser #21 moored EVERETT WA
The morning of 13 February burst white. It settled in for a week. We hunkered down as 6 inches covered the neighborhood. School was closed and kids found sled like contraptions or an old cardboard box to slide down the hills of the local golf course. Snowmen emerged occupying several front yards. As quickly as it fell it began to disappear as slush, with the return of winter rains. .
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