Shroud replacement report

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My old C22 had some really loose rigging and no more room for tightening, so I ordered the shroud and stay replacement kit from Catalina Direct. It arrived and me and two mates did the job in about three hours, working slowly so as not to make too many mistakes. We did the job at the dock, and we didn't even drop a tool overboard. We pre-assembled all the parts before we dropped the mast, and we did find one mistake on Catalina Direct's part. The toggle on the back stay that attaches to the deck fitting was threaded the same as the toggle coming off the stay, rendering the turnbuckle useless. However, we just used the old toggle and the new stuff all fit fine. That was the only drama. The improvement was dramatic. I went out with the 110 and full main in about 12 knots and got knocked on my beam ends by a gust the old rig would have weathered. It is so much more solid and responsive. Anyone out there with loose rigging issues should consider this operation. I bet I gained a knot of boat speed.
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