Selden - Furling Main

Dec 9, 2022
Hunter 326 FYC
I have a 2003 326 Hunter with the Selden furling main. I want to replace the outhaul line, however I don't specifically see that in the manual. It looks like it could be the main furling line although I'm not sure. I do have the ratcheting pulley with a continuous furling line on the mast. I'm just curious if anyone might know? I've attached a snip of the manual here.


Sep 11, 2011
Hunter 41AC Bayfield WI, Lake Superior
I replaced lines last year, do not believe the manual. They were never updated. You really need to measure it. Attach a pilot line to it, pull it out and put a tape measure on it. Sorry only fool proof way! And when you get your lines, measure them before installing. Many of the lines I purchased were cut way too short. I am not sure if their counter was slipping or what, but virtually all of my lines on the first go were wrong. You will love having new lines!
Sep 26, 2008
Hunter 340 0 Wickford, RI
Did my 340’s lines a few years back. Ice Breaker is spot on. The only measurement I could not trust was the Outhaul Line. All the other lines were accurate. I added more length to some as I needed for my needs, but that a personal touch.
For your Outhaul, follow Ice Breakers advice, attach a line and pull it through, leave in place to pull new line back again….then measure the existing line. Actually quite easy to do.
Dec 9, 2022
Hunter 326 FYC
Yes I totally agree. I measured it last night and it was 43' when the manual said it was 30'!
I also confirmed it was the correct diam (3/8") with the Selden US rep.
Thank you both!
Feb 9, 2021
Hunter 41DS Port Clinton
I replaced lines last year, do not believe the manual. They were never updated. You really need to measure it. Attach a pilot line to it, pull it out and put a tape measure on it. Sorry only fool proof way! And when you get your lines, measure them before installing. Many of the lines I purchased were cut way too short. I am not sure if their counter was slipping or what, but virtually all of my lines on the first go were wrong. You will love having new lines!
Question...did you get the Continuous Main Furling Line? If so, what line did you get and where did you get it? We have a 2007 41DS and want to start replacing the lines. I have measured my countinuous line and need a 13m line. Just don't know where to get it and which one is best for my needs. Thanks...
Sep 11, 2011
Hunter 41AC Bayfield WI, Lake Superior
Question...did you get the Continuous Main Furling Line? If so, what line did you get and where did you get it? We have a 2007 41DS and want to start replacing the lines. I have measured my countinuous line and need a 13m line. Just don't know where to get it and which one is best for my needs. Thanks...
Sorry, But I did not replace the furling line. I removed it 14 years ago and only furl at the mast with a winch handle.
Jun 4, 2004
Hunter 410 Punta Gorda
Replaced my furling line a few years ago with Sta Set 7/16" line. bought 45'. You can hire a rigger to splice the line or look at Utube on how to do it.
Sep 22, 2021
Hunter 41AC 0 Portland, OR
Question...did you get the Continuous Main Furling Line?
Because the main furling line passes around the furling drum, deck organizer blocks and through a couple of clutches, you can't buy a continuous loop and install it. Rather, you need to splice the line into a continuous loop on board -- or hire a rigger to do it for you. Frankly, doing the splice isn't that difficult. Buy some line and practice making the splice several times at home and the do it for real aboard. I have done what I recommend on our 2007 H41AC and it worked out well. By the way, a local rigger quoted $75 to do the splice for me but I just wanted to do it myself.
Apr 2, 2021
Hunter 38 On the move
Because the main furling line passes around the furling drum, deck organizer blocks and through a couple of clutches, you can't buy a continuous loop and install it. Rather, you need to splice the line into a continuous loop on board -- or hire a rigger to do it for you. Frankly, doing the splice isn't that difficult. Buy some line and practice making the splice several times at home and the do it for real aboard. I have done what I recommend on our 2007 H41AC and it worked out well. By the way, a local rigger quoted $75 to do the splice for me but I just wanted to do it myself.

Doing the splice itself is easy. Put in a few stitches of whipping twine as well to stabilize it.

The only thing I would add is when you lay the line out around the course it has to run ie through the clutch, the cabin top organizer, blocks at the base etc, make sure you also put two or three wraps around the winch before you splice.

The reason to do that is because when you wrap the line around the winch you'll add twist to the line. You want the continuous line to not have any twists in it when its in use, so put the twists in first before you splice. I did not do this, and consequently my loop has some twist in it. Its not a huge deal, I just have to watch out for a hockle at the clutch. One day I'll get around to fixing it.