So. . .how do you do it? My old closed turnbuckles had jamb nuts. . .I see a hole in the end of the studs, so I put a pin or something in there?
I agree, the split rings are nicer. But, just be careful with them. My boat came with them, and removing them and replacing with cotter pins was a "major finding" by my surveyor. Don't know why the rings are "bad" but they are.I prefer the split rings over cotter pins. Much less sticking out to bite you when your in a hurry to do something. And OH YEAH Make sure they are stainless. Couple years ago I lost a forestay, because the PO had used a cotter pin that was not stainless. Total cost before it was all over was about 2K, so be sure which ever you use are stainless.
On my old Mac 25, where the chain plates are on the edge of the boat,the side stays kept snagging the sheets and would get yanked out, until I replaced them with cotter pins. The open turnbuckles ring dings are a little more protected and the chain plates are not as exposed to the sheets on the Cat 27 so I kept the rings there with no problems so far.My understanding is that a "circlip" or split ring may get caught on a sail and work its way free- and that a cotter pin (because the ends are bent over) is way less likely to be inadvertently removed should a sail snag on the cotter pin. On the advice of a rigger, I replaced all my circlips that were in range of being snagged by a sail with a cotter pin.
if memory serves me right Rodger Long did a post on this a while back with pics.......cotter pins or rods? are the rings ok if you keep an eye on them?
If you have pics of that bendy rod thingy, I'd like to see as well. . .thanks!
not sure about that depends on the person i for contacting Roger he is on a mission and may not have the pics with him and i remember him saying something about not sending pics from the mobil till he knew how the data chargers were going to be but i am sure that if he were in port he would be glad to post them for all to see....maybe someone else has done this and could provide pics ....i would but my boat is in a state of dissasimbly at this time and would not be able to post that ....Groovy!
Found the thread, but no pics. . .
Is it rude to PM someone and bug them for pictures?