scratches on salon table and nav table

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Jun 8, 2004
- - Larchmont
i am just wrapping up my first season on a 2004 b331. I reccently notices there are quite a few scratches on my salon table and nav table. they are not deep, but are noticeable. i tried rubbing a but with the rough side of a kitchen sponge (thinking they we just scuffs) and believe it or not the sponge actually scratched the finish further. has anyone had this experience? any suggestions for covering these scratches? I know the fiinsh is not made to be indestructible, but scratching with a sponge is ridiculous.

Charlie Gruetzner -


I agree I am surprised that a household sponge would damage the the woodwork. I am not a expert on wood finishing but try maybe a woodworking site or looking for a scratch remover in a unfinished furniture store. That might be your best bet. I hope at least this give you a place to start looking Charlie
Jan 18, 2004
Beneteau 321 Houston
Refinishing Salon Table

The surface ply on Beneteau Tables is not very hard and the finish is not very thick. Scratches seem to be inevitable. You may wish to consider a wear surface of some sort for everyday use. Our eight year old B321 was showing numerous scratches. My solution was to refinish the top using fine sandpaper, then steel wool, then multi-coats of quality varnish. (A good polyeruthane would probably be just as good.) You will need to use fine wool between coats (at least 4 coats). Then, I cut 1/4" pebble surfaced white polyehtylene plastic sheet to the exact shape of the top. (I was able to remove the fiddle bars by gently prying them up from the top). The fiddle bars on our B321 have dowells that are inserted in matching holes in the table top. There are small copper sleeves that insure a close fit. Drill over-sized holes in the plastic to match the holes in the top. Place the plastic topper on the table and then reinstall the fiddle bars. With this arrangement, you can quickly remove the protective plastic table cover and reinstall the fiddle bars for those occasions when you want the elegance of the original wood finish. If you would like photos, please send me an Good Luck
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