Sailing vessel this is US Navy War Ship

Feb 17, 2006
Lancer 27PS MCB Camp Pendleton KF6BL
Well, Saturday I moved my 27’ Lancer from San Diego to its new home in Oceanside. It was a 45 mile trip that took 8 hours but was in fact, eventful.
As we were pulling out of the bay entrance, way off in the distance we could see what looked like a car carrier. Couldn’t tell what direction it was going or if it was just sitting out there.

A few minutes later I hear over the radio: “Sailing vessel 12000 yards off my port bow, this is US Navy war ship off your starboard bow.”

I hesitated for a few seconds and looked around. There were no sail boats anywhere to be found. Then I hear it again.

Navy: Sailing vessel 12000 yards off my port bow, this is US Navy war ship off your starboard bow.
Me: This is sailing vessel Takara, over.
Navy: Thank you sir, what is your navigational intent, over.
Me: I'm headed about .5 miles on present course then turning to heading 330, over.
Navy: Thank you sir. We are heading 090 at 10 knots. Please maintain a safe distance, over.
Me: Understand 090 at 10 knots. Understand maintain safe distance. Roger, over.
Navy: Thank you sir. This is US Navy War Ship, out.

Before leaving the harbor I installed a radar reflector. So I am sure he saw me with that because he got heading and distance on my boat. But we heard the Navy ship calling other boats in his path and no one answered. Interesting.

My course change took me where I didn’t want to go. The infamous San Diego kelp beds. It was like navigating my star ship through an asteroid field. I failed. I tried plowing my way through but my outboard prop got fouled as did my cool water intake. Took us almost an hour to get out and the water cooling was not the same the rest of the trip. Ended up going 2 mph which helped immensely.

Up by Mission Bay, my outboard failed. The sails were up but there was no wind. The water was like glass with occasional swells. Played with the outboard and found that the gas line was loose. Fixed it but the cooling water was still not working good enough. So I started the motor and creped along at 2 mph. I was smoking a little, but eventually the cooling system kicked out whatever was causing the problem and we got the motor back up to 6 mph.

Caught a little wind later on and got some nice ocean sailing. About 30 minute’s worth. It was getting late and we were still 2 hours from the harbor. So back to motoring we went.

About 1 hour from the harbor, we were graced by three dolphins riding along with us. They stayed for a few minutes then headed out to sea. Never have I had dolphins honor my boat when I was out. This is a first and I feel that I have been blessed.

My boat is now in its new home. But it was an adventure.

Phil Herring

Mar 25, 1997
- - Bainbridge Island
Alright Brian! :highfive: Kinda nice having a slip, eh?

I've had a dolphin escort, but never was acknowledged by a Navy ship. That's pretty cool.


Sep 21, 2005
other 12 wet water
Having never been acknowledged by a Navy vessel, I can only imagine your surprise once you realized it was you they were talking to. It's kinda like.
Me ,... you talking to me? while you look around as if there is someone in back of you.
Glad you made it OK. It seems to me that lately every time I go out for a sail something happens to make it memorable. Why do you suppose that is? Do you suppose maybe it's the small things are starting to look bigger than they really are? Age have anyything to do with it? When we were younger we just either over looked the small stuff or just took it for granted and did the fix promptly and never gave it a second thought.
Congrats on your new home.

Keep it up,
Feb 17, 2006
Lancer 27PS MCB Camp Pendleton KF6BL
It is the little things that start to make my life that much more enjoyable. The dolphins were one of those little things that makes me want to go back out there and see if they will return.

Yes Phil, it is nice to have the boat 15 minutes away. I was there all day and did not have to think about the hour drive back home.


Aug 29, 2005
Catalina 22 Ohio
So Brian, did you ever see the ship? Was it a submarine or did it have some sort of secret Klingon cloaking device?


May 21, 2007
Catalina 36 MK II NJ
With your long hair I think they perceived you as a possible threat, May a pirate or ever worst, Green Peace vessel!
Feb 17, 2006
Lancer 27PS MCB Camp Pendleton KF6BL
Green Peace? Now there are a bunch of terrorist. LOL :D

It was an Air Craft carrier. I saw the profile later on. But from 6 miles out it looked like a car carrier from Asia. I've seen them in the bay all the time.


Aug 29, 2005
Catalina 22 Ohio
Green Peace? Now there are a bunch of terrorist. LOL :D

It was an Air Craft carrier. I saw the profile later on. But from 6 miles out it looked like a car carrier from Asia. I've seen them in the bay all the time.
No doubt that a head-on Aircraft carrierfrom that distance may not be so visible in the haze.
He probably didn't want to do any evasive maneuvers and wasn't in the mood to explain to his C/O why they just sucked a 27' sailboat into their propwash and chopped it up into so much confetti.
I've seen some of the fishing boats down by Hatteras cut in front of the ferry boats with reckless abandon -like the ferry is actually going to try to miss them. All they can do is blow their horns at them....... and they do.
Feb 17, 2006
Lancer 27PS MCB Camp Pendleton KF6BL
Just north of Mission Bay we saw a large fishing boat heading south. The bearing to the boat was not changing. So I altered course 5~10 degrees to port. A minute later, he alters course to starboard. Now our bearing is not changing. So I go back to my original heading with a port-to-port pass. Then he alters again to his original heading. Again, no bearing change. Now he is getting closer. Then he bears off to port again and now the bearing is increasing.

Not sure what was in his mind of even if he was paying attention. Funny how on the water there is so much space, yet boats will pass each other within .5 miles. Weird.


Aug 29, 2005
Catalina 22 Ohio
We are on a lake here. Last summer, I had a guy in a pontoon boat come out of nowhere. I believe that we were heading towards each other for some time but he was blanketed by our Genoa until the last minute when he cut across our bow. I know that I should have looked occasionally but when i did look, the lake was clear. What was he thinking? I've had many times where pontoon boat drivers simply keep their heading against the course of a sailboat because they assume that they are moving and our boat isn't. For example, They have a heading that is across the bow of our boat. Mind you that generally Pontoon boat isn't going any faster than my sailboat. (hp. Limit on lake).
As they get closer to us they continue adjusting their heading that will take them across our bow in spite of the fact that they are turning further and further off their intended course. They keep doing this until they will eventually need to make a last minute course correction. It seems that people have troubles on the water realizing direction and speed or they simply don't pay attention to others.


Jun 9, 2004
Beneteau OC400 Long Beach, CA
Two summers ago I was aboard my Bene 40, exiting SD bay and was just about even with Pt. Loma. It was dawn, very gray and hazy, and way off in the distance I saw a long low blob on the surface, but of course it was a submarine, with its escort boats. I moved over in the channel as far as I could and the sub came in. We passed each other without incident, but the lead escort vessel rotated his craft so his bow was pointing at me all the time we were going by. I know they have a job to do, but the whole thing was just a little surreal.
Sep 12, 2005
Oday 25 Escondido, CA
Great dialogue Brian D!! Thuroughly enjoyable. I too have lost motor power off the kelp in SD. In a fishing skiff off La Jolla, it was dead calm then too :) Aloha
Jun 8, 2007
- - Savannah, Georgia
Re: ... this is US Navy War Ship

Yes, what is it with powerboats appearing to play chicken with sailboats? A few years ago we were sailing out of New York harbor, a fairly busy place. The "Love Boat" comes up behind us on a similar course. So, I head over to the edge of the channel. He changes course heading over to the edge of the channel also. I move outside the channel where the water is pretty thin even for me (6' and I draw 5 1/2'). He changes course again heading for the very edge of the channel. I look around to see if he is avoiding anyone else. No one is heading his way from any direction. Now I am shifting from "this is unusual" to "what the #&%$ is going on here". Now I can't believe he even knows I'm there, but what happened to maintaining course and speed?
Since I'm ranting on the subject let me continue. I'm very conservative if I'm approaching a powerboat and there is even the remotest chance we'll pass within five boat lengths I'll change course early to let them know I'll gladly get out of their way. I can't count the number of powerboats which will then change course to close the gap. Why?

Bob V

Mar 13, 2008
Catalina 42mkII Lagoon Point
Take it as a compliment

In the first case the Love Boat was probably following you because they thought that a sailor (as oppossed to a motor boat driver) would know the right place to be in the channel.

In the second case they were just trying to get closer to see you since a boat under sail is a thing of beauty whereas your average stinkboat has the esthetics of your average SUV on the highway.
Jan 26, 2007
Norsea 27 Cleveland
Brian - was it a 'young' voice? Maybe there was some training going on. Is that level of precaution common over there? We don't get many aircraft carriers on Erie. The big lake boats don't much acknowledge your presence either way. I do remember once heading westbound up the lake by myself in the middle of the night (beautiful, warm, moon and stars). I saw what seemed to be an eastbound gravel boat and kept watching to see which way he was going. Eventually I was satisfied that we would pass well clear (miles separation). About 30 minutes later, I received a hail. He must have read the name off the transom with some reasonably high power glass. Anyway, I responded to the hail, but never heard from him again and we both slipped on through the night. Congrats on the new home. I know being 20 minutes from the boat is a huge advantage over 90+.

BTW - could you clear up something that's bugging me? 45mi/8hrs is an average of ~5.6mph. It sounded like your top speed was around 6mph and you had several segments of sailing or much slower motoring (2mph). Did I miss something? [Edit - no, I guess that works out to ~7hrs@6mph and 1hr@2mph, never mind]
Feb 17, 2006
Lancer 27PS MCB Camp Pendleton KF6BL
He didn't sound young to me, but he had experience. Maybe it was more enthusiasm that someone finally answered him. LOL.

Yes, I do hear this type of chatter occasionally when the big boats are in town. If there is an exercise off the coast involving the Marines at Camp Pendleton, then one will hear it more so. Lots of boat traffic and restricted areas just north of Oceanside.

Yeah, we had two segments of slow go: Kelp fields and down by Mission Bay when my motor started acting up. Most of time it was between 5~6 mph.

I love the marina. There was no dock box with the slip so I got a used one yesterday. It was raining so hard yesterday that when I was finished putting the dock box at my slip, I was soaking wet. Need to invest in some rain gear. Don't know what to get though. Today it was sunny and cool. Spent the day cleaning all the stickers off the dock box. Have a lot of gunk to take off now the stickers are gone. Should be fun.


Jun 15, 2004
Islander/Wayfairer 30 sail number 25 Perryville,Md.
Navy ship hailing steady light dead ahead bearing 265 true what is you intent.
We will maintain our present position.
Navy ship : we are a US navy guided missle frigate change course and keep clear.
Light : we are the Nantucket light ship. your call.