The other issue that I think is really difficult for them is that they really aren't very mobile to be putting on a travelogue-type program. Think of the professionally produced programs. The hosts are able to fly from one interesting location on the globe to the next with all of their support crew.
These folks are doing the production in their home, which happens to be a slow moving boat! Their travels can't possibly be interesting day after day. There has to be a significant amount of drudgery in their travels and destinations. Yet, somehow, they seem to make the most and the best out of just about every location. I think it is remarkable. I find that they work exceptionally hard at making the most tedious activity at any random location, say in the Bahamas, that really has very little of interest (aside from the spectacular water - which is highlighted in just about every episode). They might be hiking to some isolated, run down, abandoned lighthouse, that offers some modest view of an isolated island. They make it seem like an adventure! If I was doing it, I would probably hate the heat and the hardscrabble topography and I would probably detest having to work at filming and creating engaging conversation.
Yet they do it, and manage to draw us in and make it seem like it is all worth our interest. I give them credit! I'm intrigued by their obvious love for the life and their willingness to work so hard to sustain it. I'm also inspired by their cheerfulness that is evident in every episode. It seems obvious to me that they are genuine and they can't possibly just be putting on a show. They also seem to be refreshingly open and honest about their experiences. (I don't think I'm being fooled!) I'm generalizing about the collection of a few that Sue and I follow. But all that I have seen, seem to have this in common.