Sailing lite

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Anyone tried sailing a 26X without ballast? If the boat capsizes, does it take on water in the cabin? Can it be righted by standing on the center board? What happens to the battery and fuel tank?

Tony Houk

Sailing without ballast

I have had my X Since it was new. It is a 98X. For a percentage of the time I have sailed it about 65% of the time I sail it without ballast. It sails great. The boat is gentle to sail for me. When it gets to about 35-40 degrees of heel it rounds up and sits backup. I like it that way. In light winds it coasts along because of the less weight. Hope that helps. Happy sails, Tony


No way

Read your owners manual! Even under power, if your rigging is up you should have ballast in the tanks. A year or two ago children were killed when an unballasted 26 turned upside down while leaving a fireworks display. The children were found drowned in the cabin. The skipper had the boat rigged but no sails and under power in a crowded area of the bay. You think an SUV has a tendancy to lean in turns, that high mast can send you over with a sudden change of heading or even a large wave. The tanks there for a reason, use it.

Tim Bastian

Wrong! Look at the manual

Mike, I think you need to take another look at the manual. Page 3 of the manual give specific recommendations for operating without ballast. Nowhere in the manual does it say not to sail with out ballast. If you read any of Macgregor's literature they say that the boat performs extremely well unballasted. I have sailed my boat unballasted many times with no problems. It works especially well down wind or in light wind on a reach. It is more tender and it can be knocked down but all you have to do is be prepared to unload the sails if you get a gust. I would not sail unballasted if you don't have much experience. I would also not sail unballasted if you have any of the conditions that recommend against it on page 3 of the manual. Other than that be careful and have fun. Tim Bastian Zephyr's Aura Hixson, TN
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