Sailing a Beneteau 35.1 with lifting keel raised

Jun 18, 2024
none :-( none :-( x
Anyone with the experience of sailing a Beneteau 35.1 (or other late model Beneteau/Jeanneau) with the lifting keel raised?

Definitely understand it will not point as good and drift but what about righting moment and safety? Is there an up to safe windspeed that you just don't worry or care if keel is raised?


SBO Weather and Forecasting Forum Jim & John
Oct 22, 2014
CAL 35 Cruiser #21 moored EVERETT WA
Welcome to SBO. Congratulations on Beneteau 35.1.
The question about stability and righting moment in relation to the lifting keel is not unique to your boat.


With the keel raised you still have the mass (3400 lbs) of ballast sitting beneath the hull. It is not going to roll over at the dock or flip in a 10knot breeze as you raise the keel to sneak over a reef to find that hidden lagoon anchorage.

Ridding out a gale or trying to get off a lee shore would not be the time to raise the keel. At such times I’d want all the help the extended keel might give me.

Now if your thinking is based on reducing wetted surface while racing down wind, that might be pushing the envelope. There are a lot of factors to consider.