sailing 26 in shallow water???

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Paul Heil

I'm considering the purchase of mac 26 but I sail in a relatively shallow area(southeastern coast) with drafts in as little as 3' at times. Can you sail the 26 with the board partially lowered and if so is it wise and how would it handle? Any and all comments would be greatly appreciated as I don't know if the broker would give me the real skinny on this question.


Yes and no

I have a 26S, and I'm assuming you're looking at a 26X, and I don't know too much about it's rudder and keel configuration. I sail on the Chesapeake Bay and its tributaries, which can get pretty shallow. When I get into shallow water, I do bring the swing keel about half way up. You'll loose some tacking and reaching performance, but not much. (If I'm racing, I'll pull the swing keel all the way up on downwind legs.) If a swing keel hits bottom, it just swings up a little more. If the Xs have a centerboard, you may come to a stop. However, the rudder, which draws about 3 feet, should stay straight down all the time! If you raise it up you may put too much stress on it and snap something. On the Ss, the line keeping the rudder down is cleated on the tiller. I will loosen this line almost to the point of releasing it so if I do hit bottom, it either pulls itself out of the cleat, or it only takes one quick move to release it. At that point I either start the engine, or if you really want to keep sailing and the winds are light, use a paddle as a rudder. Most of the bottom around here is soft mud or sand, so groundings aren't damaging. Bootom line - Yes you can bring the centerboard/keel up, but not the rudder. Hope this helps, -Doug


get outta here!

please go to mac talk site and see response to "slow motoring"
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