So I read an interesting fact about the Gulf ICW. Supposedly, the Texas portion covers 1/3 of the entire GICW and is responsible for 75% of the tug traffic on the GICW. Now, I don't recall those facts precisely BUT having traveled from Freport, TX to Pensacola, FL several times I can tell you that you will meet or be passed by more tugs in Texas in one day than you will see between New Orleans and Pensacola in a week.
Case in point: We talk to all the tugs we can see on the AIS as you usually meet them in places you don't want to meet 1000 feet of steel. Curves, wiggles and locks. It's usually no problem and the tug will tell you which side he wants you to pass on. But Memorial Day weekend 2015 in Big Lagoon, Florida, we were going to meet a barge and tug on the north end of the S curve on the west end of Big Lagoon. The Admiral called on the VHF "Brown Water 5, this is the sailing vessel Impetuous calling" (Tug name is changed to protect the innocent). Pause. "Brown Water 5, this is the sailing vessel Impetuous calling." Long pause. "This is Brown Water 5. Is someone calling me?" "Yes, this is the sailing vessel Impetuous on your bow. We are going to meet you in the S curve. Which side of the channel do you want us on?" "Wow. No one calls us asking that. The one's will be fine with us." "Thank you, Brown Water 5. We'll see you on the ones."
And that was the only channel 16 traffic I heard on Memorial Day Weekend in Pensacola, FL. Between Freeport and Galveston, you would have radioed 10 or 12 tugs. Between Galveston and Port Arthur, you would talk to 25 or 30, easily. Look up on google maps "Port Bolivar, TX" and zoom out a couple of times on satellite view and count the tugs right there. Multiply that by 65 for the statue miles between Galveston and Port Arthur. Yep, it's a lot. And you are talking to most of them. I put the Admiral on the radio because her voice gets better response than my voice does.
OMG! Just remembered something that the Admiral missed one day while we were on the GICW. She asked a bridge tender "What do I have to do special to get through the bridge?" "I'm special." At least, I "think" she missed it.