S37 Spreader/main shroud joint

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Aug 9, 2005
Beneteau 373 Baltimore
I was sailing solo yesterday, came about and the starbord shroud fell off the spreader. It seems there was only rigging tape holding it in place and after a recent refit it did not get the attention that it needed. Is tape the best way to keep the shroud in the groove? I'm contemplating tapping holes in the end of the spreader and putting a stainless keeper plate across the shroud to keep it in place should it get lax. Anyone have an opinion?


Jun 15, 2004
Islander/Wayfairer 30 sail number 25 Perryville,Md.
Lashing with small line works

placing a strap over will also work. Let me guess, It was the Lee shroud? If they were a little slack and the breeze was fresh it could fall out of the slot.

Cap'n Ron

loose rig

Nathan, The shroud is normally cinched in there with monel or stainless wire crossed over many times and cinched up tightly. Your big problemo is your rig needs to be tuned, it should never be that loose. Get Brian Toss's book "The Complete Riggers Apprentice" and tune your rig properly after the wire wrapping and rigging tape or rubber cap; there are different sizes of these that fit over, shroud, and spreader. The shroud should never be loose enough to move on any tack.
Feb 4, 2005
Catalina C-30 Mattituck, NY
SS wire

SS wire and then wrape in riggers tape. Your should alos have a rubber boot or leather boot covering the ends of your spreaders to protect your sail. Glad to hear there that was the extent of mishaps. Rob
Aug 9, 2005
Beneteau 373 Baltimore
Leeward tack 20 knot breeze

Yes, it was the leeward side that went lax. We tuned the rigging 3 days ago when we dropped the boat in the water. It was sailing great with just slightly less than taunt leeward shrouds but the 20 knot gust laxed them enough.
May 11, 2006
- - Sarasota, FL
It could have been worse

Yes, you should have seen the mast bent over; I was single handed so I put her in the wind and droped the sails ASAP. The mast was bent over for less than a minute, probably 25 seconds. Upon inspection I could not see any stress cracks but did discover that 4 of the 30 bolts that hold the mast splice together were lose by 1/2 turn and one was missing all together.
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