Rust stains on deck

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Bob Blackmon

I have a couple of rust stains about he size of a half dollar on the deck of my Hunter 240. What is the best product/procedure for removing them?

Bruce Harkness

Oxalic acid

This should remove the stain w/o hurting the fiberglass. Should be able to find a gel of this in the hardware store sold as a fiberglass/wood deck cleaner. Maybe a good shower/tub cleaner?

LaDonna Bubak - Planet Catalina

Try a product called FSR

Of course it's at West Marine so probably costs more but it's convenient. FSR (Fiberglass Stain Remover) works very well and is made of oxalic acid but one caution. It may clean those spots so well that the rest of your hull might look dingy compared. But you should be able to blend them in if you're not into cleaning your entire hull! :) LaDonna
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