rudder too small?

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When I bought my 1978 vintage Catalina-30 3 years ago (in 2004) I noticed that the rudder shaft was corroded. I ordered a new rudder from Catalina. This rudder was about 3/4 the size of the old rudder and had a slightly different shape. The steering action of the rudder feels inadequate when sailing in seas with swells. Does anyone know if Catalina changed the size and shape of their rudders since late 70s or early 80s? I did not get an answer from Catalina. Thanks Hal


...not to small, just takes getting used to... 12/1978 they went to the newer style rudder... most everyone I know with the new style rudder, loves it! It probably takes some getting used to... I am curious, how much was the new rudder? I have been toying with the idea of replacing the behemoth that is the old rudder, but it will have to fit the budget... thank you Ralf
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