Rudder Bearing

Apr 29, 2012
Beneteau 35s5 bristol ri
Hello Friends,I'm trying to drop the rudder on my 35s5. It will not come out! Help me please!

Jan 1, 2006
Slickcraft 26 Sailfish
What have you done so far? It would be helpful to know so posters don't suggest remedies you've already tried.
Apr 29, 2012
Beneteau 35s5 bristol ri
I have removed the lower pin. Loosened the 4 bolts on the collar. The upper pin won't budge. Tried to remove the tie rod end and it won't budge. All while lifting up on the rudder.
Oct 26, 2010
Hunter 40.5 Beaufort, SC
Most likely stainless steel to aluminum corrosion. It looks like you may have hammered on the pin which has caused burrs to the end of the pin which, when you do get it to move will stop all further progress. You will need to file down the burrs and follow with emory cloth to get a smooth surface. You may need to try alternating heat and cold to see if it will break free. Be sure to not overheat the aluminum quadrant. A suggestion I got from Edson was to drill a small hole vertically down from the top to the through pin and soak, soak, soak in a solvent of your choice (PB Blaster, brake fluid and transmission fluid, or whatever you think will work best. There are threads on the "best" fluid to use. When you do go to drive the pin out, do not strike directly onto the end of the pin. This will only peene over the metal. For mine, the through pin was accessible from the top and we cut a section of it out and used a kind of press that pushed apart the pin at the cut coupled with mild heat onto the radial. However, it looks like you have a fiberglass rudder shaft and the quadrant is below decks and there is no access to be able to cut the pin.

For the bolt that is shown sticking up through the quadrant arm (I am assuming a autopilot drive) that looks a lot like a ball joint on a car. Maybe an auto parts store will have a ball joint removal tool you can use. Just spitballing it here.

Best of luck and patience will be necessary.
Sep 24, 2021
Beneteau 35s5 Telegraph hrbr Thetis Island

For the bolt that is shown sticking up through the quadrant arm (I am assuming a autopilot drive) that looks a lot like a ball joint on a car. Maybe an auto parts store will have a ball joint removal tool you can use. Just spitballing it here.

Best of luck and patience will be necessary.
The link bolted through the arm is the wheel drive, not the pilot.. it's a link-and-lever system rather than a cable drive.
The ball is built into the end of the link, that SS bolt should come out but again, mixed metal corrosion most likely. A gear puller might give enough push to force the bolt down...
Mar 20, 2016
Beneteau 351 WYC Whitby
First off that pin is never coming out either way as you have mushroomed both ends beating on it with a steel hammer. A hammer (big) with an aluminum drift should have been used. You need to cut off one side of the pin flush with the quadrant removing mushroom ,then used a proper drift punch to punch it out . Even taking the nuts off will not allow it to come apart with both ends of the pin mushroomed. Spray rod end with some knocker loose or PB Blaster ,put the nut back on, thread it even with end ,and let it sit a day for penitrant to creep. Then give it a good hit with an aluminum punch and hammer, the nut prevents the thread from another mushroom and thread damage.....OR hire someone that knows what they are doing, I believe this has been posted before
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Apr 29, 2012
Beneteau 35s5 bristol ri
Update : Got the rudder out. Had to cut the steering arm connecter, the pin on that side of the collar was completely seized. Now I'm looking for the knuckle end of the steering arm. Beneteau sells the whole unit for $800. I'm looking for the knuckle end only. Any suggestions?