Rescue...not quite at sea


Jun 10, 2004
S2 9.2A Winthrop, MA
When I was a half mile from picking up the Captain I hired to help sail my new 1981 S2 9.2A from Milford CT to Boston I rescued a kitten I found dragging itself across the road in traffic in the pouring rain. It was mewling piteously and about the saddest thing I ever saw. I picked her up and swathed her in a clean towel I brought for the voyage. I picked up the Captain and we dropped her at a vet. Although she was apparently heaved out the window of a vehicle onto the pavement:cussing:, she had no broken bones but did have some head injuries from an apparent face plant onto the asphalt. She is blind in her uninjured eye, but nobody can say if that is or isn't a result of the head injury. I named her Stormy and she now doing great, raising twelve kinds of hell with our other two cats. The Captain and I continued to the boat and completed the trip which was uneventful, after the rescue. :clap:

Unfortunately the vet bills ended up costing more than the Captain, but I'd do it again in a heart beat, the poor thing. I can't believe that people can do stuff like that. If I find the guy I'd like to off to take him water skiing behind my sailboat...yes I know he'd never plane off...I'd just like to drag him for a few miles.



Sep 13, 1996
Rhodes 22 Northern Neck of Virginia


How we treat the least of the denizens of this planet says quiet volumes about us.

How kind you were to rescue this gentle creature.
Dec 4, 2006
Hunter 34 Havre de Grace
A black cat found you for Halloween.
How appropriate.

Be forewarned....
Out of our gang of cats, the two black ones seem to be the most mischievous.
But also the most affectionate.

Good job!


Jun 10, 2004
S2 9.2A Winthrop, MA
Stormy? Mischievous? Bob you hit the nail on the head squarely. She and Marty, her pal in the second photo, really go at it sometimes. She has calmed down a little since she was spayed. Not very affectionate though Elle, we have hopes though because, as you can see from the second photo, she is terribly cute, soft and fluffy...just made to be petted...but little luck so far in that department.