At the end of the winter season as I was prepping the boat for launch, I tried to connect to shore power (regular outlet) one last time to top off the batteries and one of the prongs pushed back into the socket when I pushed in the cord. So I added "replace the shore power connection" to my haul out list (we're on a mooring and rarely, if ever, use a slip during the season so I figured this job could wait). I'd heard about Smartplug and decided to go with that, even though it meant replacing my connector I use to plug into a regular outlet (when on the hard) and purchasing a new cord for connecting to shore power (pedestal) if we were ever at a slip. A couple of items were back-ordered, so it was just as well that I ordered in the Spring for Fall installation.

I watched a couple of YouTube videos by Smartplug, and while I doubted their "just 10 minutes!" claim, I felt well enough informed before I even opened up the socket and instructions. As you can see, the old socket had burn evidence by the prong that was loose.

I took out the screws holding the old socket in place (note that you MUST keep these for use with the new socket as it DOES NOT come with replacement mounting screws...something the instructions make very clear but I'll repeat anyway).

When I disassembled the unit, the black wire connection (where the prong pushed in) clearly had melted plastic all around it.

The wires didn't look great, either, so I snapped the ends off, cut the insulation back, and re-stripped them so I'd have fresh connections. Here is the before picture. The gasket also had to be pulled off (the old one is still in the picture below) and the new one that came with the Smartplug had to be put in place BEFORE connecting the wires. Another thing the instructions made clear but I could see someone forgetting to do that.

Unfortunately, I forgot to take any more pictures until I was done, so all you get now is the finished installation.

It took me about 30 minutes all together, but when I hooked up to the regular outlet everything was good, I had the blue "all well" light on the new cable, and the battery charger fired right up. And it is SOOOO much easier to plug/unplug than the old twist-style outlet. I wish I'd done this sooner, but I am really glad I did it now.

I watched a couple of YouTube videos by Smartplug, and while I doubted their "just 10 minutes!" claim, I felt well enough informed before I even opened up the socket and instructions. As you can see, the old socket had burn evidence by the prong that was loose.

I took out the screws holding the old socket in place (note that you MUST keep these for use with the new socket as it DOES NOT come with replacement mounting screws...something the instructions make very clear but I'll repeat anyway).

When I disassembled the unit, the black wire connection (where the prong pushed in) clearly had melted plastic all around it.

The wires didn't look great, either, so I snapped the ends off, cut the insulation back, and re-stripped them so I'd have fresh connections. Here is the before picture. The gasket also had to be pulled off (the old one is still in the picture below) and the new one that came with the Smartplug had to be put in place BEFORE connecting the wires. Another thing the instructions made clear but I could see someone forgetting to do that.

Unfortunately, I forgot to take any more pictures until I was done, so all you get now is the finished installation.

It took me about 30 minutes all together, but when I hooked up to the regular outlet everything was good, I had the blue "all well" light on the new cable, and the battery charger fired right up. And it is SOOOO much easier to plug/unplug than the old twist-style outlet. I wish I'd done this sooner, but I am really glad I did it now.